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"SHAI." The voice held so much authority that I immediately dropped to knees and bowed my head. The walls shook and glass clattered around me. The heavy foot steps of the Alpha got louder as he got closer to me.

"Shai I didn't know you possessed such a whorish trait." I could see his shoes stop in front of me. My heart was beating practically out my chest and I felt like I could suffocate at any moment. "Seducing Mr.Bianco like that. Tricking him into thinking he's your mate." My wolf growled at the thought of someone saying his mate really wasn't his, but I bit my tongue in respect for the Alpha, I wanted so bad to lash out at him.

I remained quiet but I guess that must have ticked him off even more because before I knew it I felt his sharp claws digging into my neck, restricting the air from getting to my lungs and my body was lifted off the ground.

out of instinct my right hand latched onto his wrist and I began clawing at him, trying to make him release me.

'A-A-Alpha ple-," my sentence was cut off by the pressure around my neck intensifying. I could feel myself gasping for breaths and black spots started floating around my vision. I had experienced anything like this before and I was panicked for my life.

I wondered if Baine could feel my distress, even though he wasn't a wolf I had heard that even human mates could feel when their mate was in a dangerous or stressful situation, even if they haven't completed the mating.

"You listen here you little slut, if I hear from any of the other pack members that you are spewing lies in regards to you and Mr.Bianco, I will skin you alive and have your pelt hanging in the main area of the pack house for everyone to see."

I went to speak but his hold around my throat tightened and all I could do was barely shake my head. He finally released me, causing my body to fall to the ground with a loud thud. the pain coursed through my body as it hit the ground. I gasped for breathes and I could hardly get any oxygen into my body, my throat burned like crazy I felt like I was dying. Darkness began clouding my vision and I could feel my consciousness slipping. Eyes rolling into the back of my head.


After a while I finally regained consciousness, it took a while for me to open my eyes, they felt so heavy. The light stung them as I finally was able to focus and take in my surroundings. I was laying my bed. I slipped from under the sheets that were pulled over my body and walked to the full length mirror that sat in the corner of my room near the window. I was still dressed in the same clothes I wore this morning. Was it still the same day? My eyes focused on the red hand print that was around my neck. I reached up and lightly brushed my fingers against the mark and lightly flinched when the pain shot through my body.

My alpha was never a malicious person, so I was confused on why me finding my mate had set him off so bad. I wanted to leave now. I wanted to be with Baine, I wanted him to hold me and kiss me how he did before he left. I had never experienced love or anything of that sort. I was a full blown virgin in more ways than one and I knew a man like Baine would appreciate that. To have something so untouched, so pure.

I was knocked out my thought by the sound of glass breaking. I made my way to the door and cracked it open, the booming voice that rang throughout that house shocked me. Usually it was the Alpha that could be heard miles away, but this voice came from some who I knew wasn't like us. He was human, my mate, Baine.

"YOU STUPID, PATHETIC MAN! I have taken shits bigger than you. You know my reputation, YOU. KNOW. WHAT. IM. CAPABLE OF." He spat the last sentence so harshly even I felt my heart drop at coldness of his voice.

I stepped out from behind the door and down the stairs, I took a place behind the wall of the hallway and slight turned so that I could see what was happening in the main area. The alpha was crouched by the fireplace, his face was stoic but i could feel the fear leaping off him. Baine stood in front of him his hands clenched in fist. He was still dressed in the same suit as earlier so it was still the same day we met just a little later in the day.

"You dare put hands on my mate. You spoke to him like he was trash." He stepped closer to the alpha as his right hand snaked behind his back, I could see him reach under the suit jacket. He pulled the gun from his pants and pointed it directly at the head of my Alpha. "I have killed people for much less." He cocked the gun and walked closer to the Alpha till the metal was pressed against his temple. I felt my heart jump out of my chest as I darted from behind the wall and into the room.

"Baine" the grip he held on the gun tightened but he still starred at the Alpha. I walked closer to him and stood in his line of sight and came in between him and the Alpha.

"Look at me I'm okay. Its okay." The statement fell from my lips and immediately his eyes turned from the Alpha onto me or more so my neck, which may have made the situation even worse than it already was because I could have swore I seen the vain on his forehead start pulsing.

I grabbed his arm and ran my hands up and down, trying to sooth him and avoid witnessing my first murder.

"Look at me, look at my eyes. Im okay. Trust me" I whispered calmly.

His eyes moved from the bruise on my neck to my eyes. I moved my hand from his arm to his cheek, rubbing soft circles on his skin.

"I WANT BOTH OF YOU OUT." The voice behind us boomed, causing me to be pulled behind my mate as the alpha rose from his crouched position. He towered my mate but Baine stood tall, no fear in him at all. I could see the smirk that graced Baine's face as he grabbed my hand and started to make his way to the exit with me following behind. He suddenly came to a stop causing me to crash into his back. He turned and pulled me to his chest but starred at the Alpha.

"This isn't over." Voice cold as ice. Chill ran down my spine but I was immediately warmed as my mate gently grabbed my hand again and lead me to the door.

Death was coming to the Alpha soon.


Alright yall! Long time no writing! Im back!!!!!!

- Ash 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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