Chapter 2

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(So I realized I messed up a little bit in the last chapter. The scene I wrote out was actually supposed to take place in front of Goat Mom's house. I totally forgot all about the damn puzzles. So yeah we're just going to ignore it and act like I know exactly what I'm writing about, because I'm too lazy to go back and change anything. Including my cringe writing style. Btw this is Issie's room that I roughly (and I mean roughly) describe later on.)

After introductions Toriel takes us into an empty room that has six strange stones popping up from the ground. A bright yellow lever is placed on the wall ahead of us along with a strange plaque. A sealed door is the only way to get out. As we look around Tori stands in front of us, her paws folded neatly in front of her.

" Welcome to your new home, innocent ones. Allow me to educate you all in the operation of the RUINS. "

With that, she steps on four of the stones and pulls the lever.

" The RUINS are full of puzzles. Ancient fusions between diversions and door keys. One must solve them to move from room to room. Please adjust yourselves at the sight of them. I'm sure Flowey here can explain anything that I missed. "

Tori leaves the room with Frisk and Flowey following close behind her. I take a moment to look at the puzzle Goat Mom just solved.

Wait a minute, Goat Mom? Since when have I called her that? Just now I guess.

Once I inspect the stones I realize there is a lighter strip of concrete that goes in-between the four Tori pushed down. Where each of the four stones is, an indent in the lighter-colored strip is also there. That must be how you solve the puzzle!

But I wonder what would happen if I did step on one of the stones that aren't supposed to be pushed?

I shove the thought out of my head and continue on to the next room, where Toriel is explaining the next puzzle to Frisk.

Toriel walks up ahead and watches as Frisk goes to a lever with arrows painted on the wall pointing at it. She pulls it and moves on to the next one. Once Frisk pulls the second labeled switch some spikes that were blocking the way out disappear.

" Splendid! I am very proud of you, little one! I'm sure your mother is very proud to have such an intelligent daughter! "

Frisk beams with pride as she puffs out her chest. I walk over to her and hug her close to my hip, rubbing her head with a proud glint in my eyes. A small smile adorning my face despite the foreign feeling. Both Frisk and Flowey stare at me for a moment, almost surprised looking, before smiling back and walking into the next room.

Upon entering the room we see a dusty old dummy sitting in the far corner of the room next to another door. Why are there so many doors? Like honestly is every single room going to have a puzzle!?!?!

" As a human living in the Underground, monsters may attack you. You will need to be prepared for this situation. However, worry not! The process is simple. When you encounter a monster, you will enter a FIGHT. While you are in a FIGHT, strike up a friendly conversation. Stall for time I will come to resolve the conflict. Practice talking to this dummy. "

Frisk walks up to the dummy and all of a sudden something bright red leaps out FROM INSIDE HER CHEST!!!!! Before I can run up to her and see what the fuck just happened Flowey starts to talk.

" See that heart? That is your SOUL. The very culmination of your being! Your SOUL starts off weak but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV. What does LV stand for? "

Flowey seems to hesitate before continuing his little speech.

" Well LOVE of course! When entering a fight monsters will try and use their various ATTACKS to weaken you even more. I will try and HEAL you when you receive DAMAGE. Once you're too weak to fight back said monster will most likely take your SOUL and give it to- "

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