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The dark. All I see is darkness. No figures, no shadows, just pitch-black darkness. A void.

" Where the hell am I? "

" Why you were correct with your last statement my dear. You are in the void. A place where only a few have been able to survive without going mad. "

" So there are others here? "

" As of right now, it is just you and me my dear. "

" Should I be relieved? "

" Quite the opposite ... you should be running!!!!! "

A cruel and dark laugh echoed throughout the void and without hesitation, I'm already sprinting further into the darkness. The further I go the more it seems the world around me darkens. My chest starts to hurt and my legs are soon to turn to jelly. All of a sudden it's quiet. It was way too quiet.

My legs finally gave out.

The cruelness of gravity strikes me down into a heap of exhaustion. The sharp footsteps of fine leather shoes against tile sounds around me.

I can't tell where they're coming from.

My heart starts to go faster making an off-rhythm beat with the tip-tap of his shoes.

" Oh, my dear, did you truly think you could escape me? Don't we do this most every night? As much as I like a good chase, and as much as I would love to hear you scream... you are not mine for the taking. For now, that is~ "

The footsteps stopped. In front of me, I can barely see the gleam of his shoes. As if some unknown light source is helping to boast about them and how I could never afford such nice shoes. It's not like that witch would let me wear anything but "feminine" shoes anyway. I'd honestly rather deal with her than this man. No, he is not a man, he's a... a monster. I slowly look up like I always do despite my efforts not to. I feel slender boney fingers grip my chin to force me to look up faster. My eyes meet with one orange pinprick and one blue pinprick. I couldn't help the shudder that racked through my body.

" What do you mean by "Not yours for the taking"? "

" Oh how I wish we had more time for me to explain, but tonight my dear I am strictly here for business. You see you are very special, and your very presence here is making me stronger. So let's make a deal. You will go to the top of Mt. Ebott and jump down to where the monsters live. From there I will guide and teach you what to do and who to trust. "

" What if I don't? "

" Then I'll torture you in ways that haven't even been invented yet. "

Without my final answer, I jerk awake a cold sweat running down my brow. Unlike most times when I wake up from a nightmare, this time was quite peaceful. At least I didn't wake up screaming again. I lay there staring at the ceiling.

Damn, I play too much Undertale.

This is the third nightmare about Gaster and I'm starting to get slightly pissed off at them. I mean what the hell," I'll torture you in ways that haven't been invented yet?" that's a new one! Why can't I ever have a wet dream about Grillby or something! An aggravated sigh escapes my lips as I wipe away the salty liquid that is called sweat from my forehead. These dreams are always the same.

With Gaster. They are always about Gaster.

They're always in high definition with color, and I can always see the fonts that we speak in. It's like I can hear him but I have to read the text first.

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