Chapter 3

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Guess who's back, back again? AJ's back, tell a friend. Because I have no clue for how long I will be back lmao. I have this entire story planned out. It's just the details that are killing me. Essentially I don't want to put out something I wouldn't read you know? Anywho let's get on with the story shall we? Also this song is used later... you'll see

A blinding white light fills my vision as Frisk and I finally make our way outside. The Underground's light source beaming down on the pure white snow.

With little to no hesitation, Frisk darts off trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue giggling as she struggles to move the massive scarf Goat Mom gave her. Flowey shakes his head at her antics curling deeper into my hair for warmth.

" I absolutely hate the cold. Even before, I never came here for long because it was so cold. "

"You still didn't like the snow even when you had fur?"

Flowey froze as he looked at me in shock. Stumbling over his words before he finally managed out-

" Wha- How did you know!?! "

Waiting for Frisk to run a little further ahead I decide to finally tell Flowey a question that had been buzzing around in my head for a while now. And the "investigation" to find the answer.

"Well, ever since Toriel told me about her previous life as queen she mentioned having two children. A biological son and a human daughter. After telling me what happened to them I started to notice little similarities between a certain talking flower and the seemingly deceased goat boy."

What I don't tell him is that I'm pretty sure Tori knows as well. She was still pretty cold to Flowey a few days into living with her until a certain fire in the kitchen incident. It seemed to trigger a certain memory for her that she never told me about because after that she treated him just as she did Frisk.

" What gave me away? "

Taking a deep breath of the cold frosty air I sigh out of my nose before going into detail what I had noticed.

Such as the time Frisk and Flowey had been talking about what exactly makes up a soul when she asked to see his. Flowey had told her he didn't have one anymore but wouldn't say anything further. Another time Frisk had mistaken buttercups with a different, edible, flower and Flowey freaked out revealing that they are deadly when eaten. When I finally managed to calm him down he sobbed about how he couldn't lose another sister. Little (and not so little) things like that lead me to believe Flowey was in fact a resurrected Asriel.

" W-wow. I- I can't believe you figured it out so quickly. Not even my own mother could tell when I first tried to speak with her. It probably didn't help that I was in the middle of killing a Froggit when it happened. B-but I didn't realize I was hurting it that bad! I just wanted it to leave me alone! "

Pulling Flowey closer I kiss one of his petals to comfort him.

"I know Flowey. You're the first one to want to run and hide from confrontation unless you're really passionate about something and I don't blame you for it. Your life as Asriel ended in quite the traumatic way. I'm sure Toriel would understand the circumstances just as I have."

With a sniffle and a nod Flowey snuggles into my cheek looking for more comfort in my warmth. Stifling a sigh I hesitate to ask the question that's really been getting to me.

"Flowey, why did you not tell Toriel about you being Asriel?"

Flowey in turn huffs, cuddling deeper into my cheek as he looks at Frisk still chasing snow crystals in the wind.

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