Chapter 1

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(This is what Issie looks like btw)

I woke up with a jolt, my ears ringing from the screams and electrocution earlier. I look around expecting to wake up to a worried brother and his friends, but instead, I see nothing more than an empty parking lot. No studio, no cars, not even parking spaces. Just a forestry plateau with black pavement on it.

As I sit in a daze I almost miss the flash of color in my peripherals. I quickly swivel my head in the direction I saw it go and watch as a little girl runs into the nearby forest, expertly dodging trees and roots.

Something about them seems familiar.

Without warning my body starts to move on its own chasing after the small child. For some reason, I'm drawn to her. I can't seem to snap out of this daze I'm in.

As I run after her a sense of foreboding envelopes my soul. I can feel something bad is about to happen. Isn't this mountain filled with holes and rough terrain? She could get hurt!

Right as the thought crossed my mind I watch in horror as the tiny brunette fucking jumps into a hole in the ground and without a second thought, I jump in after her. I angle my body to scoop her up into my arms and shield her from the rough landing we're definitely going to have. A scream tears out of my throat before I even realize it.

I have no clue what made me pass out. Whether it was the fear of dying, hitting my head before impact, or possibly the impact itself. Either way, the next thing I know is that I'm waking up with my entire body sore, and a shaking little girl still in my arms.

I groan quietly, unwrapping my arms from around the girl and sitting up. The girl's head shoots up and for just a split second my eyes meet with hers before she closes them?

Can she see through her eyelids? Or maybe she's just squinting and I can't see her eyes because of her lashes. Uh either way, weird flex but okay.

I take a moment to study her features. Unruly dark brown hair frames her cute little round face. An oversized light blue sweater with two purple stripes hangs off her frail body. Dark jean shorts and brown combat boots finish off her outfit. She couldn't be older than nine. Her lightly tanned hands shake as she signs, "Are you okay ma'am?"

My brain stalls for a moment to think about how I know what she just said.

I never learned sign language, but that is clearly ASL. Shouldn't she be signing in Nihon Shuwa?

A little hand takes over my vision from the little girl trying to get my attention. I give her my full attention again when she starts to sign once more.

"Ma'am, are you okay? My name is Frisk! Can you understand me?"

Something about this is weird. It's almost like I can hear her voice, but like in subtitles?

" Yes, I can understand you, Frisk. I'm okay, the fall just scared me. My name is Isabella but you can call me Issie if that's easier to sign. "

A bright smile adorns her face as she practically vibrates with excitement.

"Hello, Issie! I'm so glad you can understand me! Not many people know ASL!"

I chuckle at her enthusiasm and manage out, despite my suddenly dry throat, a response.

" That is true Frisk. Speaking of which or err signing of which, why are you speaking through ASL and not Nihon Shuwa? Are you not from around here? "

Frisk looks at me with a confused face. Her hands gripping at the air slightly as she tries to think of something to say.

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