chapter 4 ~Elizabeth

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Elisabeth  woke  up  to find herself  in a dark tent bound with a thick rope in between  two poles so she couldn't  move to untie her feet. Her head was pounding like a horse ran over it. As she glanced around a man was standing in the darkest corner staring at her. Her wepons were at his feet and he was smiling. As he stepped out into the light he asked

         "Have to choices about the ropes. One stay bound hand and foot or two I  tie your hands to the top of the ten so you have to stand. You have ten seconds  to decide starting now."


Hearing  those options  Elizabeth's  heart flutter with fear but she couldn't  let her fear show so replied calmly 

         "I would like option number three please."

The corner man shook his head slowly  and walked out of the tent and Elizabeth  was alone.

No matter what she did or how she tugged she couldn't  reach her feet but she could sit up and lean against  the pole holding  her hands so that's what she did. She  sat there and waited for the corner  man to return.

Elisabeth's fightWhere stories live. Discover now