chapter 23 ~John

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"Yes John I love you and would happily be your wife."

She said to the guy that knocked her over the head held her captive for weeks and kept her tied up.

     "John?" Elizabeth's  voice brought  him back to reality "how are you here?"

"Well after Bella and you were kidnapped her other brother not Philip  but an eleven year old  came down and said to me 'hello big prisoner  I know your merry men have my sister if I let you both go will you give her back to me? If she is not alive I will hunt all of you down and avenge her death' then he unlocked the door and told us to follow he led us to the stables and gave us three horses two for us and one for his sister and then he let us go on a great leap of good faith so we rode here and sent friar tuck with Bella back to her brothers."

    She smiled at that and kissed him gently.

He slowly  pulled away and said "get some rest your head needs it."

And he got up and  went  out the door  leaving her with the first shred of freedom  for weeks

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