chapter 11 ~Elizabeth

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"Don't worry Elizabeth  I will save you." A strange  voice called from her left

She was tied up hand and foot and couldn't run so she rolled down the hill to where little John and Robin  were taking  cover behind a boulder getting ready to start shooting  two of the four long bows.

        "Cut me free John and give me a weapon I can handle a bow."

Elizabeth  said Robin  turned and stared and said

       "Five minutes  ago I was giving  you  a  option between captivity or death now you think I'm going to  give you a weapon."

       "Yes, like I want to be a captive of whoever  is  up that hill. At least John doesn't  make me marry whoever he wants unlike other men. Yes I'm tied up at night but I was going  to  answer three I stay here as a prisoner under John until I get killed. If I wanted you to die I wouldn't  have screamed."

       Elizabeth  retorted Robin  sighed  and cut her free

"Fine here" ,Robin  said as he handed her a bow ",but If you point that at John or me I will kill you."

        Elizabeth  new he wasn't  joking so she took aim and fired at the trees. She  fired and fired until they didn't have anymore ammo. The enemy knew that they were out so they started to surround them. Before they when in sight John started to tie her up and said.

       "I'm sorry they have to think that you are just a prisoner and didn't shoot at them."

      That's when he wound up and punched her in the head and The world went black agian.

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