The visit

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After your two months of working in the Ghostbusters H.Q , today's your day off and so does your friends, and they decided not to lay around the firehouse and decided to go somewhere else where they prefered or the place they are familiar with. Three hours had passed, the men hasn't returned from their short trip yet, except for Peter, who rather came over to your apartment downtown for a visit. Surprisingly, he didn't gave you a call last night and today that he's coming over, it was all part of his plan, he wanted to give or treat you something nice like flowers or a box of chocolates. This made you smile and blushing from his sudden surprise, only for you " I hope I'm not scaring you like a ghost who just rang your doorbell, especially how quiet the neighbourhood it is. " he spoke in his normal and calm tone, but hanging a smirk on his face " Aw, Pete. You don't have to bring those for me.... But I love the gifts! Come on in." you giggled, letting him inside. 

You lived here all by yourself? With a few neighbours? " he questioned you as he placed the gifts on the small wooden dining table and then sat on the sofa living room " Yeah. The people I knew had moved to the city or couldn't the landlord's complains of us not paying the rent in time. He was hated by everyone because of his attitude, he wasn't always like that however. " you sighed and sat next to the ghostbuster " He was once a kind and middle aged man, he had a beautiful wife and two kids, it was perfect until they met an accident during their family trip years ago. He survived.... " you paused, begining to shudder and he placed an arm around you gently " Let me guess. They didn't make it and it hit him hard. " he said softly while stroking your back " He scared a lot of people here, making them leave this place and yet you still stayed back? You're strong and brave." he chuckled and you smiled sadly " Yeah.... this is the only place I have left... I hated to be alone to be honest.... you and the ghostbusters, Janine and that cute green ghost are my only family to me." you laid by his shoulder and your cat, gingered coloured with stripes  climbed over on your lap to comfort you with a meow, and it made the ghostbuster raised an eyebrow and thought : She didnt mention about having a pet with her.... maybe she isnt lonely at all... " he looked away 

Real Ghostbusters: Peter Venkman imagines( DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now