The office

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And this is the containment unit, it's a large and infinite space inside where we keep all of the ghosts." Peter said, where he showed you a large red gate like machine, with the power grid beside and a machine to run the power.

Before you begin to join us, I would like you to come with me to my office and fill in the application form." the Ghostbuster went back upstairs to his office, while you remained watching the containment, amazed by the technology that was created in this decade.

You got back from the containment unit after your tour and made your way to Peter's office " Ah, ( Y/N)! Please, take a seat." he welcomed you, again, with a cheerful tone as he cleaned up his desk, kicking and pushing away the files away " There. Now you can take a seat. "

Peter plopped down a thin file, he placed a pen on the top and smiled at you, looking into your eyes " Now, shall we begin? "
" With what first, Dr Venkman? " you grinned " Oh, you know. Just a casual chat while you fill in the from. " he grinned back and you sat down, begun to fill in the paper.

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