Going out on a date ( Part 1)

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A few days after Peter's visit and your first kiss with him last night at the living room in the firehouse, Venkman felt very confident, he gathered all of his courage to ask you out on a date this evening, and you replied yes, feeling excited and yet so nervous of how it will turn out today.

Are you nervous, Pete? " Winston peeked out from the door while Peter was dressing up formally with a nice pair of suit and a red tie " Not really, I guess. I got everything prepared for tonight's special day, at the end of our date, I'm sure Y/N will say this is the best night of her life. " he combed his hair and then sighed, placing both of his hands on the sink " Who am I kidding, Winston? I bet all of you have guessed right now.. My dates with a girl will always end up a ghost or a spook ruining my day, then when someone calls, I have to sacrifice my time and bust them, in the end, I'll never win over her heart. " Peter looked at himself at the mirror, sadly.

Winston gently placed his hand over his shoulder " Hey man. I'm sure nothing is gonna ruin your date tonight. As long you two have fun, it's going to end well. " he smiled at him and the scientist smiled back " You're right. Nothing's gonna stop Peter Venkman from having the best night with his date. " his smile turned into a confident one.

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