Jealousy ( the office pt 2)

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Isn't it comfy, baby?" you cooed while stroking the soft orange fur and got a purr as a response. You giggled and carried the animal in your hands, and nuzzling your nose on his, the cat meowed out, playing your nose with his paw.  You placed Ginger on Janine's desk to let him stand on; the secretary noticed, hanging a soft smile while petting him and then giggled with you before the two of you chatted all the way, waiting for time to pass while the men were doing their stuff, all expect for Venkman, who's a little jealous? Maybe he wasn't at all, not ever since he visted you two days ago, realising he didn't get the attention from you because both you and him hasn't talked or spent time together as usual. 

As time pass, Ginger would follow you wherever you do, even during lunch, taking a nap or cleaning the shelves and tables on the second floor. As for Peter, well, he stayed quiet for the whole day, not knowing what to do especially since he had learnt that the cat's very alert at all times, protecting you from anything like a guard dog, he could try by getting close to you when your pet is taking a nap, that's where he will grab the opportunity. 

You yawned after watching the late night news, stretching your arms and body as you're getting ready for bed. Peter looked at you, ready to take action and took a few deep breaths and thought " Now we're alone, just the two of us.. " he smirked and sat closer on the spot next to you and you turned around " Oh hey, Peter. I'm just getting ready for bed, how about- " your eyes widen as the ghostbuster stroked your face before connecting his lips with yours and shared your first kiss.

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