Going out on a date ( Part two)

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Peter rang on your doorbell, as soon as you heard the noise, you sprinted off to the door right after you finished wearing a bit of makeup on your face and lips " Hi Peter! I'm actually surprised that you came here an hour before dinner tonight. And.. " you took a glare at his fancy blue looking suit " You look handsome in that suit, I love it. " you smiled softly at the ghostbuster, and he chuckled softly at you, it was obvious that he loved hearing your compliments, he will never get tired of listening your kind, soft and beautiful voice.

" I have something that you might like, babe. " he took out a small rectangular shape box from his pocket and hands it over to you, you took it from his hands and opened the lid " Oh Peter... You didn't have to.. " you gasped at the gift inside he gave you, it was beautiful and colourful watch, there was a cute ghostbusters logo inside the surface of the clock " You've been working with us for almost a year, Y/N, and somehow you didn't own a watch, you didn't keep track of time while helping us with the paperwork, the cleaning and the cooking. I hope you'll like it, what matters most is my love for you, not money. " he gently took out the present, he placed the watch around your left wrist and looked at it " Perfect. " he smiled, you looked at him before giving a hug and a kiss on his cheek " Thank you Peter.. I really love this, I will keep this forever. " you took his arm, the both of you head out from your apartment and drove to your first destination of your date.

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