Our history

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Avdolia's horse let out a huff from its nostrils, the woman petting her valiant steed affectionately. Polcious stood close by his own, a silver stag with piercing blue eyes much like his own. Along with an extravagant armour and a silver saddle by his horse he stared at her with love struck eyes but that was instantly cut short by the same red haired maiden and an angry little dog. "Avdolia? Are you leaving so soon, as are you Polcious?" Amphritrite asked with a sad expression, the miss fidgeting with her blue colored toga.

"Unfortunately so. While you were away a few moons ago there has been another poisoning. A man named Alessi was recently found by the forest grounds. It wasn't a pretty sight Lamb." Avdolia walked over towards her, the priestess covering her lips with a frightened expression. "Another... as the days go by it only seems it's getting worse." She bit her lip, Polcious giving the girl a small flick on her forehead.

"Polcious!" She gave a small frown, rubbing the reddened spot with her fingers, meanwhile Iggy gave him a snarl. "That Malaka was working with Dio I'm absolutely sure of it, there's no need to worry about that deadbeat geezer." He let a sigh leave his lips, his slip of his tongue earning him a look from the two priestesses. "What's with the mutt." He knelt down to the dog, Amphrite holding out her hands."Ah wait don't get too close he likes to-" She warned, her lips sealing shut as Iggy leapt towards him.

"Hey! Get off me you mutt!" He tried grabbing the little dog, hoping to pry him off from his head. As much as his helmet protected him, it quickly fell off. "Iggy likes to tear out people's hair by the mouthful, or so I've heard whenever he's with me in Aetus." Amphrite reached her hands to the dog, the little menace stopping his attack all together before calming down within her arms.

Avdolia shook her head, the priestess expecting another look from the dog. After all she was so used to having him in their company. "Polcious, you worry me sometimes." She shook her head from the side, Polcious letting out a long sigh from his lips as he brushed his torn hair upwards.

"My damn hair, dingy mutt." He grit his teeth together, Avdolia touching his silvery tresses. "I quite like your hair like this." She smiled, the man turning his gaze away as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Sure."

Amphrite smiled, enjoying how comfortable the two were with one another. Avdolia cleared her throat, hoping Iggy's sudden attack did not derive from their topic. "There seems to be a pattern here, though the pieces are slowly coming together, the best thing we can do for now is to find the herbs needed for that antidote." Avdolia brushed her hair behind her back, the older woman whistling for her horse to appear close.

"I may not have been here for long but I know trouble when it's brewing." He paused setting his eyes to the sky as he shielded his face with his hand. "The sun is high in the sky. I'm sure Apollo will give us a few hours until we can reach the borders." Polcious whistled, the man adjusting the helmet on his head and the few loose straps of his armor

"You have everything you need, yes?" Amphritrite asked them with a bit of hesitation her hands petting the black and white dog affectionately "Yes, yes we do." Avdolia let a small smile graced her picturesque features, the redhead  whispering something in her ear before leaving the gardens back into the temple along with Iggy. "What was that about?" Polcious wondered leaning his form against the walls of the gardens. "She needed to give us something before we leave, she said it was important" She stated with a small smile, Polcious rolling his eyes in a playful manner.

"I can tell your Impatient Pol." She said with a smile, the man crossing his arms as neared towards her."I am not." He pouted the woman shaking her head as she noticed the younger priestess running down the steps with an airy grace. Iggy sat atop of the stairs, yawning as he quickly found a comfortable place to rest.

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