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Aetus was quiet, besides the occasional birds chirping ever so loudly while perched on the branches. On a quiet afternoon, the people were in their homes enjoying their peaceful lives.
Amphitrite was already dressed, in a light blue toga and a few bracelets fastened on her wrists. Her light white veil was on her head, her red curls placed in an updo.

Without Avdolia around and Polnareff, things were different. Only a few people came and went offering their daily prayers and supplications to the gods of Olympus, watching the people come and go to continue their daily lives.

Iggy was always by her side, the little dog refusing to let her be alone just for one moment. He took it upon himself to protect her, though he hardly needed to. Within the walls of the temple and the gardens, she was in a safe haven provided for personally by the gods. She stood up from her kneeled position against the cold marble floors, looking at the statue of Hera with a small smile.

"I've done my duties, but what can I do now? I hate being idle." She stated to herself, fixating her gaze at the oceanic blue sea again. Walking towards a pillar she rested her body against the stone, looking at the view placed before her. The high cliffs, and the blossoming trees in spring, the wind letting a soft breeze course through the city. Iggy barked, his small paws tapping with each step he took, the priestess picking him up swiftly.

"What is it hmm? Are you trying to distract me as well?" She asked the dog, petting his ears affectionately with the tip of her fingers.  "It's working I will say that, but it can be a bit lonely sometimes. I'm so used to having company that it feels strange being by my lonesome. Don't get me wrong I like this feeling of calm but it just feels..." She paused, shaking her head as a chuckle left her lips. "I'm talking to a dog, I suppose I'm that desperate for more human interaction, but I can be a bit shy when it comes to people I am unfamiliar with." She stated while walking past the statues towards her chambers.

Setting Iggy on her bed, the little dog yawned as he found a place quite comfortable to rest his small frame. Sitting in a chair she kneeled down towards a chest, her hands looking through its compartments before taking out a paper with gentle hands. "What about drawing?" She chewed her lip, looking to the little dog who was resting quite comfortably.  "But what is there to draw?" She spoke to herself frowning at her lack of ideas or motivation. She looked around again, hoping something, anything could provide her with something to do.

Seeing something shine from the corner of her eye she turned in the direction, seeing a golden comb on her vanity. "What on earth.." She whispered, walking towards it with graceful steps as she picked up the comb.

" She whispered, walking towards it with graceful steps as she picked up the comb

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Aphrodite smiled from her garden, a hand on her hip as she watched the priestess look at the comb with curiosity. "Now you can occupy yourself, might take you a little while Amphitrite but now you have something to do." She stated with a small smile, flipping her blonde locks towards the side.

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