The priestess

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Adonis sighed heavily,  the man feeling a bit of pain against his chest. Being the priest of his city was a tough job, but he knew this is what the gods wanted. What they needed him to do. The city he watched over was a flourishing place that rested along the coast of Poseidon's waters. Because of the marvelous work he did for the people, the gods blessed the area with an abundance of great things.

The harvest was always plentiful, not one person was without it. The waters were full of fish, the fishermen going out into the open waters and coming back with amounts in their nets. The trading industry was astonishing, many people would come by from neighboring cities in hopes they would make a fortune with whatever they had. Their fruits were not in vain. Rain was abundant during the spring months, and as the sun shined down on the city. Apollo would make sure there were enough flowers for festivals that would take place later in the year.

The city was called Aetus, nicknamed by the people for its prosperity, the trading industry, extensive history, and knowledge that only the gods could grant them. If you were to walk through the city, you would be overwhelmed with the bustling streets and amazing buildings that seemed to be bigger than Mount olympus. From the borders of the city were many columns full of intricate designs. Within each carving was the story of a ruler, from their very first moment of their reign from their last.

These statues were placed on pedestals. Perhaps ten 24 feet high.  One was in the process of being made, a statue carved with only the finest marble. The man working on it took great care with each passing chisel, his efforts gathering  a crowd of people watching his magnificence and eloquence. The color of the marble shone brightly in the light of the afternoon sun, the reflection blinding the passersby's.

Besides the massive statues, there was a rather large staircase that led to the massive city of Aetus. Bright red flames marked the entryway, burning in their respective places.

The city streets were full of people dressed in colorful togas, others dressed in much more expensive fabrics than others. Bright red, blue, tans, white, pink, yellow, and orange could let one person stand out amongst the crowd. There were a few places along the area, respectively for places of worship. This was not uncommon. Trees and shrubbery rested along the pathway, the cobblestone streets, bright flowers  with unknown names sprouted from the ground. Others are sweet to smell, and others used for medicinal properties.

The buildings were large and could house more than one hundred citizens, the walls steady and the ceilings high above the ground. It would take maybe 100 men to reach the painted ceilings. It was magnificent architecture, it was otherworldly.. Just amazing to look at. Aetus, was a model city, what other neighboring places wanted to look like, what their rulers stove to achieve. Yet wherever the priest went, others were sure to follow and listen to whatever he had to say. The man was full of wisdom, his eyes shining brightly as he talked so fondly of his creators.

Even though the city was known for marvelous things, it was also known for their infamous king.

Adonis had watched the new leaders arise to claim the throne, others barely  lasting a month as they claimed this job. It wasn't even a job, it was a right.

Until a new ruler arose he was in charge of keeping everything in order. Piles pon piles of laws and petitions from other kingdoms, even so far as declarations of war from enemy kingdoms. Though, he would usually consult the goddess of wisdom Athena for help, and within a day or two he would receive a vision from the goddess herself. He dared not disobey them, for he knew what they could do with their godly strength and powers. They were indeed forgiving and kind to those they like; such as Adonis. Yet that wasn't the case for every mortal.

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