Chapter 8: Surprise

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Narrator's POV

Right now, Y/n is sitting near the door of the conference room where Shigaraki is supposed to convince her father. The people in the conference room are her father and all the commanders of the PLA. Shigaraki starts to do his presentation, he remembers all the things Y/n has told him about. He was able to do it with confidence although there was a lingering doubt that was in Y/n's father's head. After his presentation, her father asks Shigaraki to stay while all of the other members left. "Tomura is it?" Kaji L/n asks. The man was of great height with light brown hair and a huge scar on his right eye and lip. "Yes L/n" "Let's get straight to business," He says moving his chair to face the world, " I had been a close friend of All for one, I supported his cause and He did the same...But he has done so much for me, At least as a friend I know that he wants me to help you" He says in a direct harsh tone. "For the respect, I have for him. I will give you the power and It was a bit impressive that you and your group were able to defeat the army, Don't try to play any tricks"He looks sternly at Shigaraki. "You may leave now, Get out," Kaji says. Shigaraki puts his hands on the table looking at MrL/n eyes. Mr. L/n smiles at Shigaraki. "I respect your business with father, But I will make you one of my pawns. I will achieve my goal and destroy the world." "I hope you do". With that Shigaraki opens the door to address his friends again.

Y/n's pov

"Hey N/n-san!, Hey" I turn back to see who is calling, it's toga "Hey Toga" slowly every other leader except Shigaraki comes out."Where's shigaraki?"  ''Oh, Mr. L/n asked him to stay." Toga answers. I was surprised but I waited for a few minutes. Shigaraki walks out and stands opposite me. I immediately stand up and look him in the eye. 

Third POv

"Your father said yes, "He says with a smirk. "Congratulations!" she says putting her arms around him, basically giving him a tight hug. She had a soft smile. Shigaraki's breathing hitches.'Father has hugged at times but, this time it feels different. It's nice' Shigaraki thinks and has a small smile on his face, he can hear the other members snickering, Toga secretly takes a picture of them hugging. She gets out of the hug. Y/n looks over to Re-destro, who seems to be smiling with his hands together. Y/n says 'Dinner is on me' pointing her thumb at her herself. 'Yay!' Toga says. Everyone starts to move down the hall. 

Y/n's POV

We all walk to the common room and just as I said. I ordered some delicious food from a high class restaurant I had ties with and the room was suddenly turned into a party. It was surprising to see them in such good spirits. The food arrives. "What exactly are these ?" Spinner asks. "Well on the right side we have the starters, that includes miso butternut squash soup and potted crab. For the main course I ordered Coq au vin with Savory sweet potato mash." I say pointing at all the food at the table "Woah...." Everyone exclaims " Amazing ! You always know where to get the best food Y/n !" Re- Destro says. "Then let's start eating ! Shall we ?" Mr.Compass says. I Nod

"Uhmm What is this 'Coq au vin?' Exactly ?" Spinner asks just as we were about to scarf. I answer " It's a well known dish of French origin of braised chicken cooked in red wine with onions and mushrooms. It's so rich with flavors !". Spinner looks down giving the food on his plate a questioning look and gulping. "Don't worry! I am sure you will love it !"Re-Destro says to spinner and turns his head to me. The others already started eating. " You know Y/n, you always have the best taste in food" Trumpet says " I know, I think once when we were kids, Me and Rima watched her devour a Hot dog with onion gravy" Re-Destro exclaims looking back into his memories. " you knew each other since childhood?"  Shigaraki asks. " Yeaaaa, we did" I say while turning my head to the other side to avoid eye contact. Re-Destro gives his usual smile. ' I am starting to think he had a thing for my sister ever we were kids' I say in my thoughts.

It feels like yesterday when we met and became close as glue. Back then life was quite simple to be honest and  when we were together all three of us had so much fun. I used to view Rikiya as my older brother and to think that he will be my brother-in-law is unbelievable. My thoughts are cut when Toga asks Re-Destro " So Can you tell us some embarrassing stories when Y/n was a kid?" " Oh This one ! I remember this  was when-" Re-Destro starts " Please don't finish that sentence or otherwise I will talk about the major incident that happened to you in school" I say drinking from the glass cup. " Oh Man I really wanted to know more about you! Like I care what happens to you" Twice says. I sigh, Anyways we've completed dinner.

After some time, I decided to call Benjiro and come take me home. He arrives and we leave saying our goodbyes. As I get in the car, I am struck by the memories. I put my hand over my hand. I guess I am usually not the type of person who often goes back to their own memories. I am hit by memories I made in school and with mom. I let out a breathe. Mom, I wonder how she's holding up. It's time I pay a visit it's been too long. 

"Benjiro? I know that's it's a holiday tomorrow but do you think you could accompany me to pay a visit to my mom ?" I ask him giving him a soft glance. " Of Course miss, I would be delighted" He answers " And please come as my friend not as my PSA and my mom will be so happy to see you"I say laughing. He has a small smile


This is Yanna signing out ! Thanks for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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