Chapter 3: Introduction

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A few days later following that catastrophe. I am back working at the corporation. 

While I was working on the documents. Benjiro comes inside my room and says.

"Excuse miss l/n?"' said Benjiro

"Benjiro you can call me y/n.You don't have to be so formal."I say.

"Well, It's a force of habit." He says

"So what's up ?" I questioned " Mr Yotsubashi is here, He says that he wants to talk to you?"

Why is he here? "ughhh, let him in, "I say putting my hands on my face waiting for him to enter the room.

Re-Destro enters  my room and takes a place."Greetings Y/n, You seem well? I hope everything is fine."He says

" I know why you're here, to convince me to help the 'newly formed front' right ?"I say unpleased.

"Yep, we need one of our close commanders and not only that some of our members are even inquiring about you." He says cheerfully. "And you can't escape too and also you just finished your work, so what's your decision?"

Um. I will get some more information about the front and My father did say to look into it. I remove my hands from my face.

I sigh "why not? I will get to meet the apparently liberated leader."I say sarcastically. He gives me a 'really look'?

"N-no? you can wait outside, I will meet you " He leaves and I clear my stuff on the desk and I walk to inform to Benjiro "Hey Benjiro. I am leaving off to the villa to meet the new leader" I tell. "Miss L/n?! I thought that you didn't want to associate with them?" he says with concern" I have to otherwise, he won't leave me and will be bugging me so yeah cya!" I gave my coat with a box and leave the room. I reach outside to see Re-Destro.

"Can we go now ?" "Of course Y/n" I enter inside the backseat of the car. Re-Destro says " Hey y/n please don't make a bad impression!" "Maybe you should take your own advice, "I say smiling.

'Time Skip'(At the liberation front base)

Y/n's pov

As we were walking to the meeting room. I realised the whole interior base of the army is changed probably because of the destruction the guys did. We enter into the room and I look at the commanders in front of me.

"Hey," I say nonchalantly and Re-Destro nudges me and whispers to me, " I thought we agreed not to make of a fool of yourself". I ignore him."Hey, trumpet" I say he acknowledges.

"So l/n lets get straight to the point. What do you bring into the table?" Shigaraki says. I look at him and say "It's not just me who helps the front someone else does too." "who helps you?" he questions. "Ah looks like Re-destro did not say. you will know when you need too."I say. I take a deep breath and say " I am going to find skeptic, I have some things to say to him and I also brought him the cookies he asked while I was in London. " and Re-Destro says "Fine" right when I was going to leave the room and I look back at Shigaraki and Re-Destro and say "By the way Re-Destro my father wants to talk to you about the army Tomorrow.". Re-Destro gulps and it seems that everyone was silent. "Good Luck," I say in a low voice and leave.

Shigaraki's pov

I got to meet L/n. I still have many questions She said something about someone helping her? I wonder who? right, when she was leaving she said: "By the way Re-Destro my father wants to talk to you about the army Tomorrow.". Re-Destro gulps. she says "Good Luck" in a low voice and leaves. He does look visibly disturbed.

"Hey Re-destro, are you ok, ?" Spinner asks. He snaps off the out daze and answers "Oh I'm fine."

Y/n POV's 


Septic looks back and sees me. He mutters a hey. "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to associate with us," he says looking down. "Working alone?" "Yeah "

"Well I may or not associate but my father isn't like that, "I say with a chuckle. "Anyway, I got you something." "What?" "It's the cookies you asked me while I was in London and the last time we met it was not a great situation." I give him the cookies "Hey how are you holding up to curious's death?" he inquires.

" I am getting better. Yeah," I answer back. "Anyway, thanks, Skeptic! I will see you soon bye " I say and "Bye," he says quietly. I turn back to the door and leave.

------------------------------------------------END OF THE CHAPTER3------------------------------------------------

Note: There won't be too much of Shigaraki'sPOV in the story.

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