Chapter 5: The News

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*Y/n POV*

Right now I am taking Toga to my closet/bedroom in the villa. It's my sweet space if I don't want to work in the common room. "Wow, n/n-chan! your room is awesome !" "Thank you !" I say " Where's the closet? " she questions and I point at a door. " This is my closet" I open the door which leads to a walking closet room. Toga was astonished. "N-n chan, my duffle coat is nothing compared to your outfits! " She goes into the room and looks at all the clothes. She touches the plastic cover with the tip of her fingers and smiles "All of these are new!"............ Her smile turns to a grin...

 Narrater's POV; Twice looks around for Toga but does not find her he goes to Spinner and asks him "Where is Toga, Spinner?" Spinner responses with " Toga is helping L/n? I think it's for a party or something. She went to her room." "Can you tell me where her room is!! NO, I DON'T WANT TO GO TO HER ROOM!!'' Twice yells. "Why do you want to go to her room?" A stern voice enters the room."Who are you? I know you!" "I am Y/n l/n's manservant and PA, Benjiro Shima, you must be Jin Bubaigawara, villain name Twice ". There was silence in the room.

*Y/n's Pov*

"Huh, Toga don't you think this is too much red?! I ask and she says " No! You need more red maybe if you just bleed a litt-" "No thank you, I will change into another outfit" I walk back to the changing room and changed to casual wear so we could look for more outfits. Just then Benjiro comes with twice. "Hey, Benjiro and Twice." "Good evening ma'am, I came early to the villa to give some documents" He speaks. "And Twice asked for Toga?""Toga!! there you are, I was searching for you!"Twice says. Toga nods rapidly. "ma'am what are you doing?" Benjiro questions and I respond saying that Toga is helping me with dressing up for the party. "Anyway, Benjiro I will sign those sheets and can you do an errand? Please look into those emails from the Kato company" I say those words with a smile opening the door for Benjiro to leave. "Sure ma'am, Call me if those two are threatening you" He gives them a glare before seeing you and leaving with a smile.

"Hey N/n! Twice wants to help you along with me! Now let's go pick up some more clothes from your closet!!"She speaks, I stretch out my arms and show twice the garments.

'Timeskip' 5:45pm

Finally, I found the perfect outfit for the occasion. I denied neither of their choices.

All of these beautiful outfits are from Love Nikki (a game), So credits to the designers who made these awesome pieces

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All of these beautiful outfits are from Love Nikki (a game), So credits to the designers who made these awesome pieces.

All of these beautiful outfits are from Love Nikki (a game), So credits to the designers who made these awesome pieces

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