Chapter 4 : A party.

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Narrater's POV: Inside the meeting room of the army. There is y/n working on her laptop and she looks outside the window and says "It's a sunny day huh." and she continues working.

Y/n 's pov

I see Toga, Twice and Spinner working into the room and I notice them but continued to do my work.

"Hey, n/n!! what are you doing?" she says with hands on her cheeks. "n/n?is that a nickname for me?"I question " well yea! you look like you are working!what are you working on?" she exclaims moving closer to me. "The architecture work for deika city? the city you destroyed. I am building designs for the new structures." I say to her.

'a few minutes later' ( those three are still in the room with y/n).

Ever since those three entered the room, they keep staring at me like I am from outer space or something! *GRowl Growl* man I hope they didn't hear that I am starving!! . I check the time on my watch and close my laptop. I look at those three and say "I am leaving for brunch?" the three look up at me. Twice says " Have fun! I HOPE YOU GET POISONED!" the next second Toga says "Its ok n/n-chan! we can get food ordered to our room itself!" "Um, f-fine" I sat back down quickly with my head down.

" n/n-chan what can we order? I am getting some oden!" she says looking at the room menu."I want sushi I didn't get to eat it last time! NO SUSHI PLEASE!''I know that twice overcame he mental trauma but is he still splitting? maybe the forced remedy did not work. "N/N!! N/N!" I look up. " You look so cute when you're clueless! anyway, we decided on our food! You?" "O-oh yeah sure Tonakatsu served with shredded cabbage and sauce" she nods and orders our food. For villains being targetted, they sure try to be nice.

'Time skip'(after eating)

"I am stuffed!!!phew!" Toga says sitting on the couch flat. I turn back to my work. They seem to continue their conversations

I look back at my blue chart for the new building, maybe I could design more. 

*Ting! Ting*

Looks like I got a message. I hold my phone and check for my messages. I smile

.....Given Below is the text conversations......



                                                                                        Hey, what are you doing?                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Just work....


I wanted to ask you....... if you wanted to come to the family dinner party! Today :D

                                                                                            What's the party for?

I don't know! Maybe something very important

                                                   Really father could tell me now itself                                                 

NOOO!! you should come please, It is mandatory!!!!!!

                                                 Ok dude, I will come! only if you are there.....

This time I won't bail on you.

                                                             Fine. I have to get back to work! bye, cya!


                                                        Wait--! when is the party ????? I forgot that...

It's today 7 pm.


I continue drawing more lines and floors when I get another message. It is from Benjiro

A new message from Benjiro: Miss please get ready by 6:30 pm. I will come to pick you from the?

I replied with "yes, from the villa at 6;30pm'' and I turn off the phone and continue with my work.

"Hey L/n!What are you up to today ?"Re-destro says noticing me. He looks at me" Hey? Nothing much, just a party."

"A Party?!! n/n-chan dressed in a dress!!! You would so cute!!N/n chan?" She asks "yes?"I reply back. "Can you please let me choose your outfits! Please! Plus we learn about each other more!"She kept continuously asking me to a point where I accepted. 

"Anyway I have to go meet your leader."" Tomura?" Toga asks "yeah when i joined the front 'your leader' thought i could do the all work for you guys!"I say tiredly.

I wander all around the villa to find Shigaraki, Jeez can he just sit at one place and think about his life and his shortcomings. 

*A YEAR LATER* (I mean 1 hour lol)

I open a door and look inside to see Shigaraki just thinking with a blank face, is he sad or just blank ? 

"Hey..." he looks up to see me."what do you want ?"He asks. "I finished planning the buildings you required, here" I give the papers to him and leave.

I return back to the room where my work possessions are placed. The villains notice me but I just flop on the couch and drift to sleep. ZZzzZzz


Narroter's Pov

*Ting*Ting*(or whatever his message ringtone would be... lol)

Re-destro takes out his phone and reads a new message from Rima.'She wants to be at the special party I guess today is the day' he thinks and then smiles looking out the window from his meeting room.


I wonder what will happen at the party?  This is Yanna signing out ! Have a nice day!

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