(1) The Baileys Say Goodbye

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15 years ago: 

"What's going on mom? Why is everyone coming over for dinner?" Bucky said as he came in from football practice. 

"The Baileys are coming over honey. Viv said that they have an important announcement to make. So get cleaned up baby." Winnie said as she went back into the kitchen to speak to the cook. 

It was the summer before Bucky and his friends were suppose to middle school. Puberty was just starting out for all of them as well since they were 12 years old. A few hours later his dad's colleague Mr Bailey and his family pulled in. Bucky stood on his toes to see Daria Bailey their daughter who was 12 and one of his friends. 

He smiled as she stepped out of the car. "Always so classy." He whispered as he left his room. 

The children all went their separate ways in the Barnes house. Dinner wasn't quite ready yet, so Bucky's older siblings and Daria's went to bowl while she and Bucky went to the theatre room. Finally, forty five minutes later they were all seated together at the dinner table. 

Near the end of dessert Mr Bailey made the announcement that broke everyone's hearts. 

"We are moving, we have to move back to Italy. My father is ill and needs his family close by and needs me to take over the family business." He said 

The room fell silent. 

"When do you leave?" Winnie said 

"We will start moving the stuff we don't need over the next several weeks. We will be shipping while my sister in law gets the house ready. We never sold our house there we use it when we vacation there. So we will be moving back into that house." Vivian said 

"We will miss you. You'll have to visit us when you can." Tyla Barnes said (Bucky's little sister) 

"We definitely will. Or you all can visit us. But we wanted to make this announcement together. We have become like one big family in the last 7 years we have lived here. And we want to say thank you for accepting us into your lives." Viv said 

"You all are so welcome. And are welcome to come back anytime. I'll miss having you around at the office." James said 

Bucky looked at Daria with sad eyes. "I'll miss you Daria." He whispered to her.

She smiled at him. "I'll miss you too." She whispered 

And just four weeks later Daria said goodbye to the life and friends she knew in NY. Not knowing if she would ever see them again. 

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