(13) Bucky Checks In

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Two weeks later 

Once Bucky was done with all the press and promo stuff for the super bowl. He checked into a self help retreat. He only told his family and Sam Clint and Scott. It was the only way he was ever going to be able to prove to Daria that he was serious. 

He met Dr Colyer Banks once a week he was his mentor. He also met with Dr Melinda Jameson and Dr Renee Greenberg. He met another woman there named Lucy Duncan whose story reminded him a lot of Daria's story. 

In his room he had his photos up of his family friends and old photos of him and Daria. It was the first session with Dr Banks. 

"Nice to see you again Mr Barnes have a seat. Now I'm going to be more than just your mentor here. I'm also going to be your psychologist. So let's begin with your story. Where do you fall in order of your parents kids." Dr Banks said 

"I am the second youngest. My little sister Tyla is the baby." He said 

"So you are the youngest boy?" Dr Banks said 

"Yes sir. I have three older brothers and 1 older sister." He said 

"So that's a big family. What did your parents do before they retired?" Dr Banks said as he made notes. 

"My mom was a lawyer. And my dad he was a CEO of J. Barnes and Co." He said 

"You didn't want to join the family business?" Dr Banks said 

Bucky smirked. "Like you said Dr Banks I come from a big family. I chose a degree in Sports Managment in college. But then the NFL put me in the draft. I just wanted out of my brothers shadows. My older sister is this great Cardio-vascular surgeon. My little sister Tyla she is in med school. All three of my brothers attended business school. I just wanted something that was mine. My own thing.." he said 

"Something that would make your parents see you?" Dr Banks said 

"No..they saw me. I just didn't want to be cookie cutter." He said 

"Okay. Let's see here..were you jealous of your brothers?" Dr Banks said 

"The only time I was ever jealous was the fact that getting the girl seemed to work a little easier for them. It wasn't until highschool when I became captain that the girls really started to notice me. And that was because my brothers were in college..I was no longer in the shadow of them. I lost my virginity to Ellie Varnum after dating her for six months freshmen year of highschool." He said 

"So back then the need for sexual attention wasn't full swing?" Dr Banks said 

"No back then..I was the good guy I wasn't looking for a good time. When college happened I was a starter as a freshmen. All the girls were throwing themselves at me. I had never been that popular." Bucky said 

"So in other words, you were enjoying the perks?" Dr Banks said 

"Yeah.." he said as he looked down. 

"Okay so this is where we will leave it today. I have a homework assignment for you..here in this notebook. I want you to write down everything you want to accomplishment while you are here. And we will start to go from there." Dr Banks said 

"Okay." He said as he took the note book. 

"And next week we are going to tackle a lot." Dr Banks said 

"Okay thank you Dr Banks." He said as he shook his hand. 

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