Chapter 5 - Alone

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The tension was thick inside the car, bringing them back to their precinct, some uniformed officers volunteered to bring the wounded suspect to the hospital to be treated, on behalf of the Detectives. Lisa was and still the best when it comes to guns and shooting, she knows the vital points and intentionally shoot the suspect on her shoulder, causing her to drop the gun that was aiming for Jennie.

"That was a reckless move, Manoban! You should have waited for my order! You're risking your and my career due to your insubordination! It's showing that you don't have any ounce of respect for me!" The blonde Captain was fuming in anger. Everyone can easily tell due to visible veins on her neck and the continuous gritting of her teeth. She tried to control her anger on their way back to their headquarter, she really tried, but now that they are already inside her office, she slammed it shut, leaving the squad outside her office except Lisa.

"It's not like that, Cap."

"Then what is, Detective Manoban?! You have the audacity to call me Captain when you didn't even consider me!" The Detective stayed silent, letting her Captain shout at her. She deserves it, she knows that, but she regret nothing. It was her decision and she'll take all the blame if she had to.

"Why? Am I not good enough to hear your answer, Detective Manoban?" The tone was nonchalant, but the sarcasm, anger and disappointment was molded into one. "Just because you want to fire that gun of yours that does not mean you can!"

The tension between the two was too much, that she suddenly snapped. "I had to!" The vexation that bubbled up inside the Detective exploded, fists tightly gripping the side of the table. "Okay?! I had to! This is not some kind of a movie that I'll just jump into that window and use my body to block it and everything will be alright. I did what I think is the best way to prevent someone from getting hurt in our team! I did what I think was right! I did what I had to do to protect my comrade and I don't regret pulling that trigger!" She was on the verge of crying, but immediately prevented herself from breaking down in front of her well-respected Captain. It was probably due to exhaustion, guilt and still worrying to a certain brunette with a feline eyes, mixing in her chest.

"The suspect was already trapped." She continued. "She knows she's been busted. She killed a person, Cap. Do you think she still cares if she kill another one? She'll lose nothing, but we will lose a Jennie Ruby Jane Kim and I can't handle that! I-I'll pull the trigger over and over and over if anyone of you will be in the same position like Jennie... even if it cost my badge."

The door suddenly swung open, startling the two arguing persons inside the office. "That's enough. Both of you. I know you are higher than me Captain Lee, but I had to stop the both of you before it gets worse. You guys are already causing a scene." The Sergeant had to cut in. The voices of the two disrupted the work of the other Detectives, same goes with the uniformed police officers inside the precinct, trying to divert their attention anywhere, but the door of the Captain's office. "Manoban, go outside."

"You're out of the field, while we wait for further instruction from the higher." The now calm Captain spoke, sighing as she sit on her swivel chair, pressing her fingers on her temple, trying to relieve the tension.

"Is that your way of benching me, Captain?"

"Enough, Manoban." The menace on her Captain's voice made her move out of the office, shutting the door gently, face trying to deceive her workmates as her smile beams.

The other Detectives immediately went to her, looking with a worried face, especially her best pal, Taehyung. "I'm fine, guys. Stop with that look." She knows firing a gun can give her a heavy punishment. May it be a suspension or a dismissal, but no one can actually blame her for what she did. Yes, of course, she needs that lectures and nagging, but if she'll look back to what happened, she doesn't feel any penitence at all. "I'm out of the field for a while." She breathed out.

"What?!" V asked.

"It's fine. Really. Just need to wait for further orders from the higher ups."

In all honestly, she feel light knowing she saved Jennie. Her ninibear. "We have to drink this night. For real." Said Rosé, who was casually playing with her badge.

"Guys!" The black-haired secretary shouted exaggeratedly, trying to gain his friends' attention, before continuing. "Jack messaged. He has a new so called 'invention' drink and he wants us to taste it first before he release it."

"And off we go!" The small raven haired girl spoke in a light speed, already getting her bag as she cheerfully walking towards the elevator, excited to drink the stressful night off.

"Wait, where's Ruby Jane?"

The squad clamped their mouth shut, shrugging their shoulders, as they roamed their eyes around, hoping to see the young doctor. "She's in the lab. She told me to stay here. I think she wants to be alone. But, seriously guys, what happened." Somi, the youngest of them all, asked curiously, pouting as she wait for their answers.

Seulgi, wrapped her arm around the youngest, giving her a small smile before saying, "We'll tell ya later, Somsom."

"Let's go!"

"I'll follow you guys there." The tall blonde Detective said, mind still wandering, thinking about the certain feline eyes. 'She'll blame herself.' She thought. She knows how the young pathologist's mind work. "I'll go get, Ruby Jane." She volunteered, feet moving in a fast pace, which probably didn't notice by her.

"Lisa," Taehyung, the brother of Jennie called out with hesitation. "Please tell her... no one's blaming her for what happened. She'll surely overthink about it. She might be overthinking right now. You know her. She's always like that." The Blonde Detective nodded, giving him a genuine smile.

"Stop worrying. I got it."


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