Chapter Fourteen - Suprise me!

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WARNING! The whole chapter might not be edited, but I just wanted to give you guys the chapter already XD

When I woke up I noticed that Louis had already gotten up and I look around my room to see that my suitcase is packed. I get out from the bed and I look at myself in the mirror. I sigh when I see that the lavender colour is starting to fade and is showing my blonde roots. I have to dye my hair soon again. Maybe I should go with a slightly red pink colour? I go to the bathroom with my toiletry bag and I brush my teeth and put my simple makeup on. Which is; my eyebrows filled in and plucked if needed. A simple natural based eye shadow, with a bright lipstick. Foundation if I look tired and light contouring to bring a bit more of a shape to my cheeks and face. I smile at myself and I give myself a thumbs up. I hear somebody clear their throat. I turn around to see Gemma. She holds out a pair of nerdy glasses and a brown wig.

"You look so good in this" she says and does something to my face.

"What are you doing?" I ask her and she chuckles.

"Giving you freckles and making you a little different" she says and puts the wig on me.

"I will but the hair up in a bun. If I manage to put the wig on correctly this shuldn't be that difficult" she says and looks focused as she fixes me.

"Is a disguise really needed?" I ask her and she nods.

"Besides it's funny making you different. You can still get recognized" she says and mutters. She look at her phone back at me.

"You made it alot better than me" she says and takes her bag.

"Where's Louis?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"He said something about getting something quick before we leave" She says and holds eye shadow up.

"Luna has a tan and blonde hair. Blue eyes. Sarah.... The girl for Harry should have green eyes. Freckles, brown hair and pout baby lips. I'll make some baby cheeks with this" she says and holds something weird out to me.

"Harry bought it yesterday. It's something to use to make a mask on Halloween. I on other hand is going to use it to make your face different" She says and starts putting it on my face.

"I like this. Harry has it difficult with you having more than one mate,but at least I get something fun out of this. My mom and I understand this too. Our great grandpa had this problem too. His mate had a child with each of them and they all lived close to each other. It will be a tad harder for you though. With them all being famous, but thanks to make up and the new modern era we live in it shouldn't be that hard to fix this" she says and she keeps talking until I get finished.

"Your eyes have a different shape too. This turned out amazing!" She says happily as she shows me the mirror. I did look different. I took the mirror in my hand to see how it all turned out.

"I like it" I say smiling and I put the mirror down.The door opens and Louis steps inside.

"Gemma can you go out for a minute?" Louis says and Gemma just sighs and leaves the room. 

 Louis walks up to me and he holds out small present.

"I went to buy this for you, sorry for not leaving a note or something. But damn you look different like that. I hardly recognized you there" he says and puts the present next to me.

"I'm not done yet. I have to put the lenses in soon, but Gemma forgot them in the car" I say and take the box in my hand.

"It's not my birthday yet so why did you get me something?" I take the wrapping paper off and I see a beautiful necklace with the colours of silver and green.

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