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"Caw! Caw! Caw!!!" The din of a chicken right beside my house during the morning made me rouse to this that I'm living. I'm on the , having a pleasant and reposing forty winks when this happened. The chicken alarm clock is what I meant to say.

"Well... time is being ingested away when I'm wasting my day doing nowt, but horsing around by playing video games and whatnot. Better grab some breakfast so I won't starve to death early in the forenoon." I grumbled, contemplating if I want to get up or not.

After a long argument between my two consciences, I rise from my bed and go to the kitchen to seize some breakfast. Which consisted of toasted bread, bacon, lumpia, and some leftover french fries that I bought yesterday.

After that, I'm going to do my introduction to you, readers.

"My name is Sephas Cartial. I'm 19 years old, and I'm not married. I lived on the west coast of the United States of America, and the specific location, though? I'm not giving that away. I can't risk getting caught by the FBI or CIA. I have so many crimes that I had done when I was seven years old and up until now. I still didn't get caught, though, so that's a plus. My job is being a novel writer, and I wrote eight books starting from the year 1973 up until now, which the year today is 1979. I was born on June 6, 1966. I started my writing career when I was seven years old. My childhood isn't exactly the best one, so it could be placed in the top ten worst childhood of the year if that even exists anyway. That's pretty much for the concise summary of my whole life."

I grasped the food and took a perch to the nearest chair, which is 4 meters away from my original location. PLOP! I plopped down on the chair and started consuming my sustenance.

I turn on the television and survey some news on what's happening around the world.

KRSSST! "In other news, a man somehow weaponize his home cat. Installing the said weapons such as rocket launchers, AK-47, a mini-gun from the A10 Warthog aircraft parts, maces, long swords, and grenade launchers. The police are trying to apprehend the suspect. And this is Faking news, signing out."

I changed the channel to another one.

KRSSST! "The temperature around the world suddenly shifted, making drastic changes to the environment around us. Some animals or plants might mutate due to the high temperature that the radiation is emitting on the planet's surface. Scientist says that this might change the whole ecosystem that we know toda-" KRSSST!

"This is the Illuminati talking to all the people of planet Earth. In the year 2180, the almighty God, Aten, will bring judgment upon those who have sinned, and they'll be damn in the realm of hell for all eternit-" KRSSST!

You know what? "The whole world is going insane, but then again, back in the past, we humans are already insane, so I think this is fine." I already finished my toasted bread and moved on to the next nourishment that I will be eating right this second, the holy- I mean, the bacon, yes, the bacon.

CRUNCH! "This bacon is good. I'll give the people who made this a medal, but I don't have any medal, so yeah..." I continue consuming the bacon, and it took me two minutes to finish it. "Damn, this is going to be a long day if I continue eating the food at a slow pace and talking like a speaker who doesn't even know how to stop talking." Instead of talking, why don't I ingest this damn food without being an autistic guy with a silly top hat that has blades on it from late 1880 that came out of nowhere? "Nom nom nom nom!" I voraciously consume my foo- can I stop talking or thinking and eat the food already?! Or stop narrating the text right now, please?! After the fight between my sanity side and insanity side. I just ate my food without talking or thinking about the text that is writing itself right now.

18TH STAR CONSTELLATION: SEPHAS, THY LIFE [THREE]Where stories live. Discover now