The box

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3rd Person POV:

The box alarm went off and Thomas, Minho and Newt looked at each other in confusion. "I know that sound" Thomas said under his breath. "It's the box" Newt said in confusion. "But Thomas has only been here for 3 days it shouldn't come back up for another month" Minho questioned before they all ran out to where the other gladers were crowding round box.

Gally and Newt opened the metal doors and a few gasps and whispers of confusion fluttered around the gladers lips as they all looked down to see a blonde haired girl with pale cheeks with her eyes closed in the box. Newt jumped down into the box "It's a girl" he confirmed "I think she's dead" "what's in her hand ?" Thomas asked. Newt picked up the note and read it out loud.

She's the first but not the last. The box will not come back up. The cure is inside her.

"Well what the bloody hell does that mean?" Newt exclaimed while the rest of the gladers looked around in confusion. Just as he said that the girls chest jerked upwards and she gasped for air, her arms shot forwards and she leaned out towards "Thomas"she whispered before she fell back to the ground. Everyone turned to look at Thomas. Thomas stood still and looked up at all the faces staring at him, then looked back down at the girl lying peacefully on the cold hard metal.

*flash back to Thomas dream*

"Thomas" she screamed, "Thomas help, somebody help" he could hear her screams from his room down the corridor. He stood up and started banging on the door. "Let me out" he shouted "stop hurting her" he said before collapsing to the floor. He curled into a ball and started banging the back of his head on the door trying to get her piercing screams of pain out of his head.

*back to present time, the girl had been moved into the medjacks hut*

"Do you recognise her cause she definitely seemed to recognise you" Newt questioned. "No no I don't recognise her" Thomas said looking at the girl lying on the bed. (He did recognise her but couldn't remember from where) "let's just wait for her to wake up and see what she knows. Chuck you stay here and come and get us when she wakes up ok ?" Alby said before him Minho, Newt and Thomas left to go to the council hall while Chuck, Clint and Jack stayed with the girl.

"The box isn't coming back up with new supplies again" Alby said sternly. "We're gonna have to learn how to live without the box" a few gasps could be heard and whispers of worries spread like wild fire through the boys. "We know things are changing, I mean there's a girl among us now we have to make this place work again without relying on the box and who knows mabey we'll find a way out soon" Newt chirps in. "Why is there a girl ? I mean look around we're all boys why now do they decide to throw a girl into the mix" Minho says

"The note said she is the first but not the last and the cure was inside her. The creators sent her in for a reason and we need to know what it is" Thomas exclaims, "she knows who you are Thomas, and I'm betting you know who she is to." Gally said standing up and walking over to Thomas. "This" he says gesturing to the meeting "is not gonna work unless we all tell the truth and I've said what I think now Thomas needs to what he thinks" Thomas looks over to Gally then around the room "guys I don't know what to tell you I-" he begins just before Chuck runs in out of breath. "It's the girl, she's awake" he says with his hand on his chest trying to catch his breath. Before Chuck can even turn around Thomas had ran out the door closely followed by Alby, Newt and Minho.

A/N: ooooo so next chapter we're gonna find out who "she" and "her" is 😁 also should I base the main parts of the story on the books or on the movies (without betrayal and other stuff 😂)

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