Pietro - Wanda

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Stark flies in our path, saying, "Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings."

Anger launches through me, but I hold it back. "You locked me in my room," I accuse.

Clint looks just as mad as me, glaring at Stark. If looks could kill, Stark would have died about ten times by now. Clint's got his bow loaded, but pointing at the ground. Will he be able to aim fast enough if he has to use it?

"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration," Stark claims. Maybe it is, but barely. "Second, I did it to protect you."

Oh, really? To protect me? Is that right? 

Can I kill him? I ask Clint telepathically. 

Not yet, he replies. I'm going to distract him, you do what you need to.


"Hey, Clint," Stark says.

"Hey, man," Clint replies. He sounds almost nervous, which matches with the emotions I sense from him. 

"Clearly, retirement doesn't suit you." Yes, Stark and his quips. "You got tired of shooting golf?"

"Well, I played 18, shot 18." Clint shrugs nonchalantly. "Just can't seem to miss."

Then, without hesitation, not even a pause to aim, he shoots. Three arrows fly from his bow, going around Stark. As he turns in the air to blast them away, I take my chance. I feel around for the cars in the parking lot and start pulling them towards me. 

"First time for everything," Stark says, turning back to Clint.

"Made you look," Clint grins. 

Stark turns around just in time to see vehicles falling onto him. He starts blasting them, but he's not fast enough to stop the rain of metal. He changes to dodging as I pull car after car from the lot. But then one hits him, and he goes down. Just before they crush him, a blur of blue runs past, pulling Stark away from the danger zone. 


He stops just to the right of the pile of wrecked cars to check if anyone else is there, then runs off, still tugging Stark behind him. I'm too shocked to react, or continue my attack. I just stare after my brother, unable to pinpoint any single emotion. 

"Come on," Clint whispers, taking my arm.

I shake free from my haze and start to run along side him. We need to get to Stark's quinjet. With the chopper we were going to use out of commission, it's our only way out of here. 

I can here yelling and an explosion to my right, but I ignore it and keep running.

"There's our ride!" Clint says, and we speed up trying to reach it. 

When we're about 100 metres away, Cap, Scott, Sam and Barnes join us. 

"Come on!" Cap yells, taking the lead.

The distance is closing. We're nearly there. We can make it. So close!

And then a laser cuts us off. It's slices easily through the tarmac, drawing a line in front of us. We all follow it up, and my eyes catch on Vision's. The glance only lasts a second, then he looks away, at Cap. 

"Captain Rogers!" he calls down. "I know you believe what you're doing is right."

I can't work out if he's talking about going against the Accords, pulling me from the compound or protecting Barnes. 

"But for the collective good," Vis continues as Stark, Nat and Pietro run over beneath him, "you must surrender now."

Rhodey flies over, Prince T'Challa clinging to his leg. The Black Panther lets go when Rhodey is close to the ground, landing with a graceful roll. Rhodey lands, and some guy in a full-body spider onesie swings over on what looks like webs. That's new. 

I take a deep breath and open my mind to Pietro's, thinking, What are you doing?

He jumps, and his eyes snap to meet mine. I'm sorry. 

Are you? Cause sometimes I can't tell. 

Come on, you know that's not fair.

Fair?! You want fair? Okay, how about betraying my trust, my love? Is that fair enough for you?! It's not even like it was one time! Incidents like Lagos, remember? And the Accords? And now? What, you're palling up with Stark?!

No, that's not what it is!

He sounds like he wants to explain, but I'm too angry right now. I close my mind and glance away from my brother, just in time to see the others start to run forward. 

I launch into the air, ready to fight whoever comes at me. I pity the poor fool. I have enough pent up anger to take them out in about sen seconds flat. That turns out to be the spider dude. 

He blasts webs at me, but I dodge them or blast them away easily. Then I start launching airport buggies at him. He flips and ducks around them, and Clint comes up beside me and shoots him. Spider guy flips away from the arrow, right into an oncoming vehicle. It knocks him away, and I turn to Clint, letting my arms drop.

"I can handle myself," I tell him. 

"I know you can," he assures me. "But you shouldn't have to."

"Can someone tell those two to knock it off?" I hear Sam say through the comms.

Clint chuckles and runs off to fight Nat. That'll go well. 

I climb back into the air, ready to jump back into the fight.

Word count: 893

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