Tiny dude's big now! - Pietro

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After Wanda ends the transmission, I'm so shocked and hurt, I don't even notice the rest of the team running forward until Romanoff grabs my arm and drags me with her. Talk about embarrassing. 

When the fighting starts, I basically just run around, tipping fights to our side. I avoid Wanda completely. I don't want to see the betrayal on Wanda's face I saw earlier ever again. 

When I see her knock the spider guy to the ground, I run forward to help him back up. 

"Hey man," I say. "Need some help?"

I hold out my hand, and he grabs it, using it to pull himself up. 

"Thanks," he says, and I'm shocked by how young he sounds.

I decide to introduce myself. "I'm Pietro."


"Yeah. Why?"

"I'm Peter," the guy - kid - giggles. 

I laugh. "So, you full spider?"

"Kinda. I'm sticky and strong. The webs I made myself."

Now it's my turn to ask, "Seriously?" 

He nods, just as Romanoff gets blasted past me, wrapped in Wanda's red glow. Peter and I both jump.

"A little less talking," she grunts, getting straight to her feet. 

"Got it," I say, and Peter adds, "Sorry."

"Maximoff," Romanoff digs a spare comm from a pocket somewhere and holds it out to me. 

"Thanks." I take it and stick it in my ear. Instantly, the grunts of fights happening all over the air strip fills my ears. 

She runs off and Peter follows, using his webs to lift himself into the air. I go back to tipping fights, running in my sister's wake and trying to pick up the fights she ends by pulling back the opponents. When I can't, I help the person she knocked away back to their feet. 

When I spot Peter struggling under the weight of a tunnel, I run over. 

"Hey, spider kid."

"It's Spiderman, actually," he corrects.

"Right. So, you good there, or...?"

"A little help would be nice."

"Got it."

I run forward, scoop him up and pull him out from under the tunnel. It crashes to the ground, as I put him back down next to me. 

"Woah!" he gasps.

"I get that a lot," I grin. I don't, actually, but he doesn't need to know that. 

"Tony!" Rhodes calls over the comms, "Get your kids to shut up!"

Stark sounds outraged as he says, "My kids? Agent Romanoff is the one who gave Maximoff a comm!"

"Don't you go blaming me!" Romanoff snaps. "You're the one who brought Parker!"

Peter and I grin at each other and run off. 

The adults' argument is cut short by Lang suddenly growing about 60 feet tall. 

There's a lot of swearing over the comms and Rhodes, who's leg is in Lang's giant grip, says, "Okay, tiny dude's big now! He's big now!"

"No kidding, Sherlock," I mutter. 

Lang moves to swing Rhodes away, and Stark says, "Give me back my Rhodey!"

Before he can do anything, however, Wilson flies feet-first into Stark, kicking him away. Lang throws Rhodes, and the momentum must be stopping him from reacting, because he makes no move to get back in the air. 

"I got him!" Peter calls, running towards him. He launches a web at Rhodes but, instead of stopping him, Peter just gets dragged along. He thinks fast, though, and starts swinging, using the movement to collide with a truck, which stops him enough for him to be able to stop Rhodes' arc just before the latter crashes into a plane. 

Rhodes turns and launches himself at Lang. 

"Maximoff!" he calls as Lang kicks a truck at the cat dude. "Get moving!"

I realise I've been standing still for a while, and take off running, zipping around Lang to try and disorient him. It doesn't really work. 

"Okay," Stark says, "anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose? I'm open to suggestions."

No one replies. It's starting to look like we're going to lose this fight. 

I glance around and see Cap and Barnes running towards the quinjet that Stark and his team must have arrived in. Cat dude is in pursuit, but Lang steps in front of him. 

"You wanna get to them?" he booms, "You're gonna have to go through me!"

Cat Dude starts running around him, but Lang kicks the crates he's standing on, forcing him to roll off, leaving him exposed. 

I run forward as Rhodes stars shooting Lang, and pull Cat Dude from the wreckage. I shove him towards Barnes and Cap, before turning to help Rhodes - who is firing at him - and Peter - who is crawling around the guy's arms and head - deal with Lang. 

"Leave him!" Stark calls, starting to follow Cat Dude. "Barnes and Rogers are the main issue right now!"

Lang proves him wrong instantly by plucking him from the air. 

Rhodes attempts to take Stark's place in the chase, but Wanda knocks him into a plane, before throwing a truck at him. 

I take a leaf out of Peter's book and start climbing Lang's leg. As I do, I notice the tower behind him start to fall as a yellow laser beam slices it easily. Vision. 

I keep climbing, determined to reach at least his torso before I get thrown off. I glance around Lang's leg to see Wanda struggling to hold up the tower so Cap and Barnes can get under. Just as they're almost under, Rhodes sends a blast of noise at Wanda, making her drop the tower to cover her ears. I have no idea if the pair made it. 

They're not my concern. 

My concern is my sister, lying on the ground, clutching her head. 

And I don't think I'm imagining the shake in her shoulders. 

Word count: 944

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