Meeting Up CH. 1

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(3rd POV)

The Mickelson family -Kol, Klaus, and Elijiah- are getting ready to go to the fair in Seattle, Washington. Right now they're in one of there many masions in Seattle. It's a warm summer Saturday night ,8:00,and the fair has been going on since Monday

-Meanwhile -

Caroline decided to go on a vacation with her friends Elena and Bonnie to help her get over Tyler. They all meet up at Caroline's house to decide were to go.

"How about California?", said Elena.

"No, that was Tyler's favorite city", said Caroline.

"How about Seattle?", said Bonnie.

"Yea! ,The fair is in town too", said Caroline.

"I'm in", said Elena and Bonnie at the same time.

"To the airport"! , they all shouted.

Elena compelled the lady to give them 3 first class tickets to Seattle for free. The 7 hour flight wasn't that long since they all went to sleep.

By the time they got to Seattle it was 9:00. They decided to get a really expensive hotel for free of course. They all washed up a little and got a taxi to drive them to the fair.

When they got to the fair it was 9:15. None of them noticed how close the fair was to the hotel they had.

The first ride they all decided to get on was the bumper cars. The line wasn't very long but in that short line was the one and only Kol Mickelson with his even more annoying brother Klaus Mickelson.

Before Caroline could grab Bonnie and Elena, Kol and Klaus were already getting out of line and walking towards them.

"Hello love", Klaus said looking at Caroline.

"Hey Klaus", said Caroline sounding annoyed.

"Hey darling",said Kol looking a Bonnie and smirking.

Bonnie decided a few weeks ago that she really liked Kol alot. So she chose to flirt back.

"Hey Kol", said Bonnie walking over to him and putting her arm around him.

Everybody was surprised by her behavior but mostly Kol. After about 3 seconds he put his arm around her waist.

"See Caroline, said Klaus, Bonnie decided to stop denying her feelings about Kol. Why can't you stop denying yours about me?"

Carolina didn't answer. Luckily Elijiah walked over towards them after talking to Elena for who knows how long. Nobody even noticed he came over or noticed Elena not in the coversation.

"Hello Ms. Forbes and Bennett", said Elijiah.

"Hey Elijiah" said the girls.

"Hey Elijiah", asked Elena, I was wondering if me and the girls could stay in the mansion with you guys?"

"Yea that's a good idea", said Bonnie getting closer to Kol and they just held each other tighter.

"I'm up with that", said Kol smirking at Bonnie.

"Me too", said Klaus.

"That's fine with me", said Elijiah.

Everybody was looking at Caroline waiting for her answer.

"Fine, but only if Klaus behaves himself", said Caroline.

"Can't make amy promises but okay", said Klaus.

"To the mansion we go", shouted Kol.

They got to the mansion at about 10:50. It was alot farther from the fair then the hotel was and they did have to stop by the hotel to get the girl's things.

At the mansion Klaus showed Caroline her room , Elijiah showed Elena hers , and Kol showed Bonnie hers.

"Bonnie", said Kol before they left the bedroom.

"Yea", said Bonnie.

"Were you just playing with me or do you really like me?", said Kol.

"If I was just playing with you would I do this?", asked Bonnie.

Bonnie cupped Kol's faced with her hands and pulled his face closer to hers and kissed him. He kissed back and he licked her bottom lip begging for entrance and she let him in. Bonnie pulled back and said ,

"I don't want to go farther than this yet okay?"

Kol frowned but said , "Okay".

Kol and Bonnie ended up sleeping in the same bed with their legs and arms over each others fully clothed bodys.

Caroline went to check on Bonnie and was suprised to see Kol and Bonnie peacefully asleep holding each other.

She went downstairs and told them that Kol and Bonnie were asleep.

"I guess that's my cue to go to sleep", said Caroline, "Good night guys".

After Caroline went to sleep everybody else decided to go to sleep.

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