Almost Time for Game Night CH. 4

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Caroline was the first to wake up and was glad about it. She was currently in the kitchen cooking breakfast for everybody. It took her forever to get out of Klaus's arms without waking him up. As she turned to the stove to check the food on the griddle, a pair of arms wrapped around her bare torso. She suddenly regretted cooking in only her sports bra.

"Hey beautiful", Klaus said.

"Hey sexy", Caroline replied.

"I like it you should call me that more often", Klaus said arrogantly.

"Hahaha", Caroline laughed sarcastically.

Klaus only rolled his eyes in respond. "So what are you cooking?", Klaus asked.

"Food", Caroline said smartly.

"What kind of food?", Klaus asked.

"Food that you eat", said Caroline.

Klaus was about to say something else but someday at the top of the stairs beat him to it.

"Would you two stop flirting? You guys are already dating", Kol said.

"Up shut", said Klaus and Caroline at the same time.

Kol helped up his hand in surrender. "I just came down her to tell you guys that my little witch said that we are having game night tonight", said Kol.

"Okay", said Caroline

"Yea, what she said", Klaus said pointing at Care.

"Okay", said Kol as he walked back to his and Bonnie's room.

30 minutes later Bonnie,

Kol, Elena, and Elijah came

down stairs and sat at the table.

"I have a felling that this is a really meal and we get no blood", Kol said sadly.

"You can have OJ or blood to drink", said Caroline without realizing how sick it makes both Bonnie and Elena.

Kol realized what he said when he saw the look Caroline was giving him.

"Sorry Elena and Bonnie", said Kol looking down.

"It's cool", Elena said.

"Yea it's cool plus I think that is the first time you called me Bonnie in the past two days", said Bonnie chuckling.

Kol begin to laugh and before you could say 'i love pizza' everybody was laughing loudly.

When everyone caught their breathe Caroline was the first to say something.

"This is going to be a fun day", she said and everbody hummed in response.

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