For Better or Worse CH. 7

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The next day was pretty awkward for everybody. Kol and Bonnie didn't talk all morning and neither did Elijah and Elena. Caroline and Bonnie didn't even feel the need to look at each other.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?",Elijah asked trying to lighten the mood. The question actually made the situation worse.

"I'm going to Waffle House",Kol said going upstairs to shower and get dressed.

Bonnie followed him upstairs so they could talk about what happen but, when she walked into "their" room Kol didn't even acknowledge her presence.

"So..are you just going to ignore me all day?",Bonnie asked trying to get his attention.

"That was sort of the plan",he said with no emotion in his voice.

"You can't stay mad at me forever", she retaliated trying to get some kind of emotion out of him even if it was anger.

"Yea..but it's not going to hurt to try",he says still not looking up at Bonnie.

At this point Bonnie didn't know what to say because he was wrong. It was going to hurt her if he stayed mad at her.

Looking up at Kol who was still getting he's clothes ready, Bonnie decided not to say but do. Bonnie walked up to Kol and pulled his arm so he was facing her.

Before Kol could get a word out of his mouth, Bonnie kissed him....hard. Bonnie was done with this bullshit and just wanted her and Kol to go to back to being the happy couple they were. That stupid dare was not going to ruin her and Kol's relationship or her and Caroline's friendship.

After a minute Bonnie pulled away from Kol and stared up at him. They were both breathing heavily after the intense kiss.

Bonnie was just about to say something but before she could get the words out her mouth, Kol kissed her again. He knew that he couldn't have stayed mad at Bonnie even if he really tried to. That's how much he was in love with her. 

They continued kissing as Kol pushed Bonnie onto the bed as he climbed on top of her. This wasn't really the perfect time for this to happen with the house being full of vampires with superhearing but they couldn't help it. Kol started kissing down Bonnie's neck leaving hickies as he made is way down. Before they could get any further, there was a knock on their door. 

Bonnie started blushing knowing that somebody was going to notice the 3 hickies on the side of her neck.

"'s me Caroline..can we talk?", Caroline said through the door.

Kol hopped off of Bonnie and threw his shirt back on. 

"You better go answer that", Kol said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not sure what to say about those", he said pointing to the hickies on her neck. 

Bonnie went to open the door while also flipping Kol off.

"Hey Care..", Bonnie said trying to keep her neck covered.

"Bonnie..I just wanted to say I'm sorry for that stupid dare. I don't know why I did that. What kind of bestfriend would do? I'm just so sorry about...." before Care could finish, Bonnie cut her off.

"It's okay Care..I'm not mad and you're still my bestfriend", Bonnie said with a huge smile on her face.

Bonnie thought that was the end of the conversation which led her to believe that Caroline didn't notice her neck but before she could close the door, Care whispered something in her ear.

"Don't let anybody else see those cause they're definitely going to say something", Care whispered with a sinister smile on her face. 

Bonnie couldn't say anything as her face turned red. All she did was close the door and go burry her face in Kol's chest as they cuddled in bed. 

Author Note:

I'm back. Im sorry I left you guys for like 3 years but it's 2018 so I'm back and better. You guys will be getting hella chapters this week..I promise😘❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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