Chapter 43~ One Year.

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Katie's POV~

One year. It's already been one year of me taking care of my beautiful Izzy. It's been very stressful but I've gotten through it. It's now Saturday and I'm surprised that I was able to get through Thursday...

**Flashback to Thursday**

Izzy has been such a handful today. She won't stop crying and won't eat. Sam left early in the morning for a meeting about her job and Cat is hanging out with the girls. I wish I could hang out with the girls like I used to..But thankfully Connor will be coming over soon to help.

Katie: Come on Izzy please just eat this. You haven't eaten all day.

Izzy: *screams* *cries*

Katie: *sighs* Oh my god...

*knock knock*

Katie: Thank God Connor is here!
*opens door*

Connor: Hey babe *kisses Katie*
Why did you need m-

Izzy: *cries louder*

Connor: So that's why you needed me to come over

Katie: Yeah.. She hasn't been eating and all she's doing is crying and screaming

Connor: Well that's what babies do *laughs*

Katie: *playfully rolls eyes* ha ha

Connor: okay.. *picks up Izzy* Hi Izzy, calm down. Shh.. *rocks Izzy back and forth in arms*

Katie: Oh my god,she's completely silent. What? How did you do that?

Connor: *laughs* Did you rock her in your arms?

Katie: Yes and all she did was scream

Connor: *laughs* well looks like she likes me more

Katie: Of course she likes you but not more than me *laughs* You're a great father

Izzy: D-dada *giggles*

Katie: Did you hear what she just said..

Connor: She called me dad.. Oh my god.. she called me dad *smiles*

~ End of Flashback~

I know I should excited that Izzy called Connor dad but I can't help to think that he's really not her dad. Matt is her dad and as much as I dont wanna admit it he is and she shouldn't grow up not knowing her own father...

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone started ringing.

Katie: hello?

Lauren: Heyy girl!

Katie: hey lauren what's up?

Lauren: I was wondering if you would want to hang out with the girls and I tonight

Katie: Lauren, you know I have to take care of Izzy

Lauren: I know and that's why I asked Connor if he could take care of her for the night so we can hang out

Katie: And what did he say?

Lauren: Well, he'll be there in 10 minutes

Katie: oh my god! Lauren I love you!

Lauren: I know you do. *laughs* Now get ready!! See you in a few.

Katie: Okay bye!

Finally I get a night to hang out with my girls.

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