Chapter 58~ We dont think its safe

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(Katie's POV)

I woke up this morning in Matt's arms and I liked it... I missed the feeling of being in his warm embrace and it felt good to be in his arms again. Wait, what am I even saying? I'm with Connor and I love Connor but for some reason I just couldn't get myself to get up out of his arms. I wanted to stay in them for as long as I could. Eventually I then fell back asleep and sadly didn't wake up in his and again but to the sound of Izzy laughing and the smell of pancakes.

Katie: *walks into the kitchen* What's going on in here?

Izzy: Mommy! We're making pancakes! Look this one is mine!

Katie: Wow, izzy that's really good

Matt: Yeah she insisted on making her own so I just let her. So, how did you sleep?

Katie: Good surprisingly.

Matt: Surprisingly?

Katie: Yeah lately I haven't been having the best sleep. I usually wake up multiple times during the night.

Matt: Oh

Katie: Yeah but it's fine. I'm fine.

Matt: You sure?

Katie: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be fine?

Matt: I don't know it's just people don't usually wake up during the night multiple times for no reason.

Katie: I don't know. Insomnia I guess. Not a big deal.

Matt: Okay... Well let's continue making these pancakes.

Once we finished eating breakfast, the girls went to Izzy's room to play and me and Matt are cleaning up the kitchen.

Katie: I tried calling Connor before and he still hasn't picked up

Matt: Don't worry he'll be here before her mom comes and then you can tell him everything

*door opens*

Connor: Katie! I'm back!

Matt: See *laughs*

Katie: *laughs* I'm in the kitchen.

Connor: Hey.. hey, Matt? What-

Katie: He came last night to help with the girls and Izzy wanted to see him anyways.

Connor: Okay I just checked my phone a couple minutes ago and saw that you called a lot. What's wrong ? What happened?

Katie: Uh, *sighs* well...

• An hour later•

*knock knock*

Katie: That must be Ashley... Alison can't go back there, Connor. She can't.

Connor: I know, I know.  *opens door*

Ashley: Hey Connor. *walks in* Where's my little girl?

Connor: Uh, she's upstairs with Izzy but I need to talk to you first.

Ashley: Okay...

Connor: I think you would want to sit down for this ...

Ashley: Um, okay? What's up?

Katie: I, uh, found out some things while Alison was here and, uh-

Connor: We don't think it's safe for her or you to go back home.

Ashley: What are you talking about? I don't-

Katie: We know about your boyfriend abusing you and almost Alison

Ashley: What? I don't know what you're talking about. Whatever Alison told you is wron-

Connor: Cut the bullsh*t Ashley. We already know about it and Alison is not safe there and-

Ashley: And what? So you're here telling me what I should do with MY daughter? Who the f*ck do you think you are?

Connor: I'm her father. That's who I am and I'm worried about the safety of my child.

Ashley: Well you never worried about her safety before so what changed now? Huh? Is it because of her *points to Katie*

Connor: This has nothing to do with Katie! I've always worried about my daughter but someone kept her from me and blocked my number and all social media so I could never get in contact with you! How the f*ck do you think I felt? Huh?! Knowing that my daughter was out there somewhere and I could pass by her any day and not know it because her mother never let me see her!!

Ashley: You know what? I don't need this sh*t right now! I have places to be and I need my daughter.

Connor: No! You're not taking her to that place with that abuser!

Ashley: He's not an abuser he's my boyfriend! And Ali had never said anything like that to me! Everything's been going fine until I brought her here with you people! So I'm taking my daughter home and you can't stop me! Im the one who has custody not you! ALSION! WE'RE LEAVING!

Ali: *comes into room* We're leaving already mommy?

Ashley: Yes come on. Get your stuff.

Ali: But I don't wanna leave mommy! Me and Izzy were-

Ashley: I don't care! Get your stuff NOW!

Ali: Ok... *gets her stuff* I got everything

Ashley: Good lets go. Oh, and Connor don't expect seeing either of us for a really long time! *slams door*

Katie: You did your best, Con. Don't worry.

Connor: No Katie I have to worry! My daughter is in danger and I can't do anything about it! Even if I try to call the police Ashely is gonna deny it! You saw her. "Oh he's not an abuser".

Katie: *sighs* I know but like you said we can't do anything about it. All we can do is hope that nothing bad happens and that Ashely will come to her senses.

Connor: I doubt it...

Katie: *sighs* Con? Can I ask you something?

Connor: Yeah..

Katie: H-how did it feel not having any contact with your daughter?

Connor: Where is this coming from?

Katie: I don't know.. It's just you mentioned it before and I've never really asked you about it before so

Connor: Oh, well it felt like sh*t honestly. I never even knew how my own daughter looked. A part of me was out there in this world and I didn't know I anything about her and I still don't really know anything about her and most likely never will now

Katie: *sighs* yeah..

Connor: What's wrong?

Katie: Nothing

Connor: Katie, I know when something's wrong so spill it. What's up?

Katie: It's just, I don't know lately I've feeling so sh*tty knowing that I kept Izzy from Matt this long and when you mentioned it to Ashley and I saw the pain in your eyes when you said that. I just wonder if that's how Matt feels and if I put him through that much pain..

Connor: Its different though-

Katie: How? I kept Izzy always from him like Ashley kept Ali from you

Connor: Yeah but I knew about her and had to deal with knowing that that little girl that passed by me in the store could be my daughter, you know? Matt didn't even knows he existed and he was on tour living his life you didn't want to ruin that. I was capable and ready to take care if Ali but she thought I wasn't Matt 100% wasn't ready for a kid at that time and everyone knew that. It's different Katie, trust me. You're a good person whether you want to believe it or not and I know for a fact that Matt doesn't hate you. I bet he's glad that you're even letting him see her now cause you can be spiteful and not let him see her but that's not you. That's not the type of person you are and that's why I love you.

Katie: I love you too *kisses Connor*

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