The Beginning: Shops II

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It was while Ivy was getting fitted that Rose met two others shopping for Hogwarts. Yes, they were both mothers of people at the school, but in some ways, Rose always found it easier to talk to grownups, rather than people her own age.
She had been shopping in the bookstore, trying to find Magical Theory by Adelbert Waffling, when she noticed a plump lady carrying a stack of books that was far to large for the poor woman to see around. Of course, Rose immediately walked up to her, wanting to help.
"Miss? Do you need help with those books?" Rose asked as she smiled meekly. Her smile grew when she saw the lady's grateful look.
"Oh! Yes, thank you, dear." Rose took a few books from the top of the stack. "What's your name?" Her voice was kind and worn, just like her smile.
"Rose." Rose followed her to the register.
"Rose! Such a nice name," the lady said, "My name is Molly Weasley. Are you at Hogwarts, dear?" Rose nodded.
"It's my first year, though." Rose and Mrs. Weasley began stacking the books on the counter. "I like your hair." Rose stated, pointing to the red-grey hair.
"Thank you, dear! It's just like yours, isn't it?" Rose nodded. The cashier was near finished scanning all the books when Molly stopped him. "Oh! Keep these separate, please!" She pushed a few books away from the man.
"How come those are separate, Miss?" Rose asked. Molly leaned in close to Rose's ear.
"Those books are for Harry Potter, dearie," she whispered. As she pulled away, she held a finger to her lips, instructing Rose to not tell anyone.
Who? Rose thought, but didn't say. Instead, she nodded, but remained deeply confused on the inside. Potter was the name of her biological parents. A few moments passed, and Molly had payed for all the books when Rose offered her help to carry the bags.
"Do you need helping taking these to your car, Ms. Weasley?" Molly waved the thought away with her hand, and scoffed.
"A car? I do not use those dangerous flying machines!" Rose frowned. Cars didn't fly, as far as she knew, but she stayed quiet, and nodded. She stayed next to Ms. Weasley, who kept on rambling.
After a few moments, Ms. Weasley, who was carrying far too many books to see in front of herself, accidentally rammed into a lady.
She was wearing long, dark clothes, and was shockingly pale, but equally beautiful. "Oh, dear me. I am so sor-" When she saw the person, Ms. Weasley straightened up and her voice turned into a cold tone. "Narcissa."
"Molly," the lady acknowledged Ms. Weasley with a slight , but her voice was naturally cold and guarded in a way that Rose had not heard many times before. "Is this one of yours?"
"Oh, Rose? No, just a nice girl willing to help me with the books. Everyone is at the Cup."
Narcissa nodded, "Lucius is there with Draco."
Ms. Weasley nodded, and both women headed in their own direction.
Ms. Weasley bid Rose goodbye, but not before informing her that Ms. Weasley would tell her children to look out for Rose.
Rose rushed back over to Daniel, who was waiting for her with Ivy.
"Who was that?" He asked.
Rose shrugged, "She was really nice." Rose noticed that Ivy wasn't paying attention to the conversation, but to a boy standing next to Narcissa. Rose lightly pushed her sister's shoulder and smiled, "Who's that?"
Ivy blushed slightly , "No one. Come on, let's go already."
After Rose was fitted, the family (along with Hagrid) went to Ollivander's Wand Shop. Rose went first, and exploded a window and made two buttons fly off Danny's shirt before finding the right wand: 10 1/4 inches, holly, unicorn hair. Swishy.
Ivy went next, and (by some miracle) the very first wand she tried was the right one. Danny looked relieved, for he had probably been worried that she would've killed someone if she had to try as many wands as Rose. It was 11 inches, mahogany, and had a dragon heartstring core. Pliable.
Both twins were quick to get out of the shop as soon as they finished, for they both thought that Mr. Ollivander was slightly weird. He had a habit to go unnoticed until he talked, but all he wanted to talk about was wands. Their parents' wands, their wands, and some guy named Harry's wand. When the old man brought up the name Harry, Hagrid was quick to change the subject. The twins thought nothing of it.
Soon enough, everything in the list was bought.
"Can we get some ice cream? Please?" Ivy begged Hagrid and Danny. "I'm so tired." She groaned before they could answer her, and plopped down on a bench off to the side of Diagon Alley. Rose sighed and took a seat next to her. Danny tried to stifle a yawn, but failed horribly. He looked up to Hagrid, his eyes asking was Ivy was saying.
Hagrid let out a bellowing laugh, "I've got a bette' idea. Ye' gonna love this." He began to walk down the alley, only to turn and beckon for the siblings to follow. Danny watched his sisters to see what they would do.
Ivy shrugged, and got up to follow Hagrid, quickly catching up. Danny and Rose shared a glance before he flashed a smile and she ran to catch up with her sister. Danny took a deep breath before following.
After a few minutes of walking, Hagrid led them into a shop.
The walls were lined with cages filled with animals. Cats, rats, toads. And...were those owls?
Yes. Yes, they were.
Immediately, the twins begged to get a pet. Of course, their wish was granted. One pet each, Danny told, and you have to take it with you.
Ivy, the lover of fluffy pets, immediately ran over to the cats.
A larger cat was surrounded by a bunch of little gray kittens. She knew that she just had to have one of those.
"Do you want to hold one?" A nice young worker offered to help Ivy. She nodded as the lady reached in and grabbed a kitten, handing it to Ivy. "Are you looking for a pet for Hogwarts?"
"Um, yes," Ivy giggled a little. "Did you go there?"
"Oh yeah! Everyone does," the worker said, "My name is Drury." Drury stuck a hand out to greet Ivy. "Is it your first year?"
Ivy shook her hand and nodded, "I'm really excited."
"You should be. Hogwarts is great." Drury sent her a reassuring smile. "Now, what about this kitten? Is it the one?"
Ivy turned the cat towards her, and stared it in its grey eyes. "Yes, I think so."
"Great!" Drury quickly walked over to the counter, her dark hair flying behind her. "So I'm assuming you want the starter kit?" Ivy nodded. "Ok, great! Anything else?" Ivy began to look around for everyone else, when they came into view again.
Hagrid was laughing as Danny struggled to carry a large package labeled Falcon Starter Kit. Ivy frowned, wondering why On earth he would be carrying that. Then she saw Rose.
Rose was holding a cage that was at least half as tall as herself, and inside was the largest falcon Ivy had ever laid eyes on. Not that she had seen that many up close, though.
"This too." Danny said, slamming the stater pack on the counter, and then proceeding to heave for a minute. Ivy giggled at his misfortune.
Soon enough, they were out of the shop, with two new pets in tow.
"Valor." Rose named her bird with a sense of finality in her voice, but Ivy almost wanted to laugh at how serious her twin looked.
"Virtue." Danny squinted his eyes at Ivy, confused at her cat's name. "You know, that quote? The one about uncommon valor is a common virtue?"
Danny shrugged, and Rose was too fascinated in her falcon to be paying attention. Hagrid smiled kindly at Ivy. They headed home.
For the next few weeks, Life was almost to good to be true. It was spent training the new pets, and preparing all three kids for their new schools. It was spent cooking dinner just to get into food fights, and hiding from Jack at night.
It was almost magical, and so no one should have been surprised when all that perfection went away a few weeks later.

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