The Beginning: Shops

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It was weeks later.
Sure enough, the twins were the biological children of James and Lily Potter. The question was, how? Lily and James had died three years before Rose and Ivy were born! It didn't make sense.
Professor Mcgonagall spent a fair portion of her day trying to figure this out.
But anyway, the twins were off to Diagon Alley.
It was a few weeks before Hogwarts started, and Danny was taking them to get their books. The map was drawn on a napkin by Professor Mcgnagall, and had been in Danny's pocket since that night.

The night that would change their lives forever.

By now, Danny had notified Domadere Academy that he would be joining them in the fall. Although Rose had thought that the should take his tuition money from Jack, Danny had stood strong.

"I will not depend on him anymore, Rosie. Not ever."

The tuition was asked for and granted by a distant uncle on their mother's side. One that had always hated Jack, but had never suspected that he would treat the kids badly. Danny was so thankful for the money.

"Is this it?" Ivy's voice snapped Danny back to reality. They were standing in front of a run down pub that most definitely did not look magical. He frowned, and looked at his sisters. While Ivy had a look of disdain and disbelief, Rose's was full of joy.

"Never judge a book by its cover, Ives! Hurry up!" Rose took off running into the pub, leaving her siblings far behind her. Danny sighed, and held the door open for Ivy.

"Come on. She's right, hurry up." Ivy rolled her eyes and walked in. Danny flicked her on the back of the head as the door closed behind them. Ivy rolled her eyes again.

"Thank you, darling Daniel," she spoke to him, in the same sarcastic tone as usual. In some ways, maybe it was better that the twins were leaving him doing their teenage years. He would probably never have to have a uncomfortable conversation about their bodies or their feelings or (god forbid) boys. "Do you think the school will look like this?" Ivy asked as she looked around the pub.

Inside was dark and grubby, not very impressive for a place lined with magic. A bar was over to the left, and an old bartender was standing behind it, cleaning the counters. To the right, a few tabes were set up. A few elderly woman sat at a table, talking in loud tones  about who they believed would win some sort of tournament. Danny walked over to the bar, and spoke to the bald bartender.

"Hello. Are you, um, Tom?" He read the name that was scribbled to the side of the map.

"I most certainly am," he greeted Danny with a warm smile, "You three must be a muggleborn family. Am I right?"

"Um, yes. Would you mind..." Danny's sentence trailed off, not sure what he was really asking.

"Diagon Alley? Of course! Follow me," he hobbled over to the back of the bar and through a door.

"Ives, Rosie, come on," their brother called at them, and they broke away from listening to the discussion of some sort of world cup the old ladies had been talking about.

The siblings followed Tom into a walled courtyard that looked even less impressive than the pub. A few trashcans and weeds were the only things occupying it. Tom walked to the back wall, and turned back to the small family following him. His eyes glistened with knowing as he spoke.

"Watch this."

"Is he going to kidnap us?" Ivy's whisper was horrified, and her face grew even more so as Tom chuckled.

Tom tapped a single brick thrice with the tip of his...wand. The brick quivered and then disappeared. Other bricks followed its action, and the hole it had left grew larger and larger until seconds later Tom was standing in an archway large enough for a giant to fit though. On the other side of the archway, a bustling street stood. Rose and Ivy giggled, and ran out into street, in awe by its beauty.

"Thank you," Danny thanked Tom before running after his sisters. Tom smiled softly. Watching someone see Diagon Alley for the first time was never a sight that got old.

First, they were to go to the bank. There, money and guidance was supposedly waiting for them.

Every little thing they passed caught the twins' attention. An owl fluttering past (but Danny, its nocturnal!), a broomstick in a shop window (do we use these instead of cars?), a fireplace that seemed to be spitting people out into the street (how is it doing that, Danny?). It took a good ten minutes to get to the bank. Large, bronze doors stood in front a magnificent building. Off to the side of the doors, two men stood. One was short, no taller than three feet, and had a large nose. He appeared very serious, while his neighbor most definitely did not. He was good ten feet tall, with a bushy beard and a happy smile. Both men spotted the family, but only one turned to them.

"Yeh mus' be Rose an' Ivy an' Danny. Hagrid, nice ter meet yeh. Blimey, yeh look jus' like 'er. Like Lily," He spoke with a heavy accent as he looked down at the three.

"Wow." Rose and Ivy spoke at the same time, with mouths agape in shock. Danny was far too shocked to speak. Hagrid smiled wider.

"Beau'iful, ain' it?" He gestured to the busy street.

"Magnificent," Rose's voice was filled with awe, but her eyes were still on Hagrid. Her sister's voice snapped Ivy out of her trance, and she nudged Danny in the ribs.

"Stop staring," she hissed, and Danny did stop.

As they strolled down the street, Hagrid talked about many things. His job, Diagon Alley, the twins' biological parents. He didn't realize it, but not a single person was listening to him drone on. 

  First, they headed to Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions. They were greeted by a squat woman dressed completely in maroon, from her robes to her shoes to her hair.

"Hogwarts, darlings?" She smiled as softly as she spoke, "Well then, one at a time, follow me. We have another first year getting fitted back here already. It is a very exciting time." She strode to the back of the shop, and beckoned one of the girls to follow. Ivy stepped forward.

"Ok, we'll wait outside, Ives, and grab your books," Danny gave her an encouraging grin before speeding out of the shop, with Hagrid and Rose on his heels.

"Ok then," Ivy mumbled, and followed the lady into the back. There, a boy with messy blond hair and tan skin stood on a pedestal. She was led to a pedestal directly next to his, and stood up on it.

"Hogwarts?" The boy asked, tilting his head towards Ivy. His calculating blue eyes seemed to want to read her every move, in a way that sort of freaked Ivy out.

"Um, yes. What about you?" She kept her eyes trained forward, not wanting the emerald green to meet the blue. He nodded.

"First year. Mum is next door buying my books. Dad would be here too, but he's at the cup with my brother." The boy ran a hand through his hair, and action that looked far too old on such young boy.

"I'm a first year, too," she spoke softly, but the boy heard her loud and clear.

"Oh, maybe we will be in the same house. What'd you say your name was?" A smile appeared on his face.

"Um, Ivy. What's yours?" Her slight smile matched his.

"Malfoy. Orion Malfoy." He turned towards her and stuck out a hand for Ivy to shake. She obliged.

"Dear, you are done." The lady in maroon interrupted the pleasant conversation the two young children had been having as she stood up from measuring Orion. "Would you mind, please, to tell the other little girl to come back here?" Orion nodded.

"Of course. Thank you, ma'am." He flashed her an award wining smile and sped off out of the shop. But right before the door closed, he called back, "I'll see you next month, Ivy No-Last-Name!"

Ivy had giggled, but stopped when asked to stand still.

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