Can't Keep You Close

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Elsa's POV

It had been about 1 week since we came back here, and things have been pretty great. I got to be with my sister and best friends again, and now that the guys weren't abusive anymore things seemed to be just perfect. I wished things could stay that way forever, but forever is never as long as we want it to be. There was a problem in the week. More like someone had to come interrupt the peacefulness we had created.

I was just sitting outside with the girls talking. It just seemed like a normal day, nothing really out of the ordinary, or so we thought. It had been about 1 hour since we went out there when it got strange. Merida heard crunching meaning someone was walking around nearby. No one was really around here so it didn't make sense for someone to just be roaming around. We kept talking but stayed on high alert. 

After a little while, something else happened. There was a huge crack and Rapunzel suggested that it was just a tree branch falling down. Anna got freaked out and went back inside. Merida went into the forest to try and figure out what it was. That just left me and Punzie. We were very focused and looked out into the forest. Then the worst possible thing could have happened. Hans emerged from the trees and was looking straight at us. I just blinked and Rapunzel ran inside. I was already breathing heavy. 

"Why are you here?" I tried to stand strong, but it came out as a sort of pathetic weak question. "Aww, didn't you miss me?" he said and smirked at me. I just stood there and looked at the floor. "I'm not going to listen to you." I said and looked up. Hans laughed. "Well, I didn't come all this way to talk so that won't be necessary." he walked closer and I walked backwards, hitting a wall. He grabbed my wrist and hit me across the back of the head knocking me out. 

And just like that......

Everything went black.....

(Wow I'm switching a point of view again would ya look at that~)

Jack's POV

I saw Rapunzel running over to me in a panic. She tripped and nearly fell over. Luckily I caught her just before she hit the ground. "Woah, are you ok? Why are you in such a hurry?" "I-i-it's Elsa.....she...she..." As soon as I heard Elsa's name I started paying attention. "Spit it out Rapunzel! What's going on with Elsa?!" "H-hans found her." My brain snapped the second she said that awful name. I ran outside and looked around. 


D*mn it......

I lost her....again.....

To the one man I hated more than anything.

He took her away from me. I didn't protect her. I felt like kicking myself for leaving her. I was suppose to protect her. I left her and he took the opportunity to take her from me. I couldn't believe I lost her, right after I promised I wouldn't let anyone else take her away from me. 

But I wasn't going to stand for it. I promised myself I'd protect her and that was what I was going to do. I wouldn't stop, day or night, rain or sun, hurricane or tornado. I wouldn't rest until she was right back here with me where she belonged.

No Matter What.....

Third Person POV

Jack ran back inside and got the guys together. "We have a problem." He said quickly. Eugene looked at him and instantly knew it was bad. "What's going on?" he asked quickly. "Hans got to Elsa. She's gone." They could all tell how angry and on edge Jack was. After all, he never really cared for anyone the way he did for her.

Hans' POV

I looked over and saw Elsa sitting up against a tree unconscious. I was happy, very happy. She was finally mine again, and this time I wouldn't let her escape so easily. Jack did the dirty work of getting her away from Gothel, something that I could no longer do, and all I had to do was get her from him. I saw my opportunity to take her when she was all alone. I seized the moment and now there she was, sitting there right in front of me, all mine. I smiled and walked forward.

She must have heard me step on a stick because her eyes snapped open, she looked up at me, got up, and started walking backwards. I smirked and walked closer. "What are you gonna do now that Frost isn't here to protect you?"

This was going to be fun......

Sorry that it's so short. I sort of ran out of time and ideas. I also really wanted to get the next chapter out now that we're doing so well. I nearly screamed when I saw that it's ranking #96 in Jelsa. It takes FOREVER to rank good in that tag because there's so many stories in it,  so I was at an internal panic trying to keep it up. Thanks for all the love and support on this story, you guys are the best :)

School is going to start running longer for me and go until 3:00 everyday now so yay! But my Easter break is going to be REALLY long, like 5 FRIGGIN DAYS LONG!!! YAS!!! 

I'll try to update over break.

Also I just watched Gnomeo and Juliet after like 5 years and OMG TALK ABOUT THROWBACK~

Word Count: 935 yikes that's bad....ok well for me on average that's like REALLY bad in my mind.

Love ya Snowflakes!

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