The Past I Can Hardly Bear To Tell

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*Forgot to mention 1 other thing. There is gonna be quite a bit of swearing in this story since it is darker. If you don't like swearing then stop reading now. I will use * to cover up most of the swearing, but you get the basic idea. Sorry I forgot to mention that. AnYwHo! oF tO tHe StOrY aLrEaDy!*

Elsa's POV

My mind was going in circles as I stared at the dark walls around my cage. It was dark and quiet. All I could think about was how this all happened. I was just walking through the woods with my little sister Anna. We went home and that's when my life was destroyed. 

Anna and I went into the small cottage we lived in with our parents. We were very poor and that was all the housing we could afford for a family of 4. My parents took me outside and left Anna in the house. That's when I started suspecting something was up.

"Elsa, we need to talk." my father said to me, a thick serious voice suffocated the air around us. My mother looked at me angrily, father not even making eye contact. "What's wrong?" I didn't quite grasp what was happening. That's when I felt it, a hard pain in my cheek. My father hit me across the face. He kept on beating me, my mother joining in kicking me to the ground. After a few minutes they said the most stinging words I ever would have heard. "We hate you, you never should have been born!!! ANNA IS BETTER THAN YOU! Why don't you be more like her?!" and after that, I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

"Is this the one? The girl you said we could take?". My vision was blurry, but from what I could understand, it was a deep male voice. "Yes, she is a waist of time and money that we need for our little angel." my mother said. "Who's this little angel?" the voice asked. NO! THEY CAN'T GET ANNA! "Oh, just our cat!". Father clearly didn't want them knowing about Anna. Suddenly, I felt my body being lifted off of the ground. The man that was carrying me was younger than I thought. He looked about 14, a few years older than me. I was only 8 when this happened. I don't understand how I remember it so well, but our brains make us remember what we want to forget the most.

He had brown hair, light brown eyes, a green vest over a white long sleeve shirt, brown pants, and dark boots. He then tossed my parents a sack which I can only imagine had gold coins in it. They paid to have me taken away?! SERIOUSLY?! I felt my body hit against the floor of the wagon he threw me in. Then I heard horses start moving. I saw other girls in there with me, 2 to be exact. One with crazy red curly hair, and the other with long blonde hair. They both looked at me with sympathy. The red head spoke first.

"So they nabbed another pretty blonde aye?" "SHUT IT BACK THERE!" I heard the familiar voice of that young man say. We all stayed quiet the rest of the ride. It was about 1/2 an hour. We stopped, and two more men showed up. They each picked us up one by one. I was taken to a cell, and since I was just a little kid, no one wanted me. Every single person that when to that god forsaken place was a man. 

I hated every single man that came here. They were all monsters for wanting to use captured women. I was also to young to understand when some of them either didn't come back they either got killed or got pregnant and the baby daddy wanted to keep them, or came back with bruises and red things all over their necks, which of course I later learned where hickeys. I have even seen babies born in here and taken to cells. The rules are if you're born in here, you stay in here. You get brought here, you stay until you're sold, then you come back, or have a master for life. Break the rules and try to escape, and there are consequences. What are the consequences you might ask? I found out the hard way...

That's right, I was sold the second I started women hood. Once I wasn't a little girl anymore, men started wanting me. My price was high from what I could tell. They were all disgusting, horrible, freaky, monstrous people in my eyes. I almost lost my virginity to one of them when I was 15. Yeah, you heard me right, 15. I was to young to understand what was happening. I'll never forget this one feature he had that stood out to me, red hair. I can't look at it the same, or men. I was so scared when he came back to try and buy me again, but that's when the unpredictable happened. 

A different man walked into the abandoned house in the woods where we were all kept so no one could find us. This man looked different. He had white hair, ice blue eyes, and the way he looked at me was different. He didn't look at me with a hunger for my body or a lust towards my looks. He looked at me with pity and sympathy.

 Little did I know that it was a horrible mistake to think that. The next thing I knew, his glance changed when the owner of this sh*thole came over to talk to him. His eyes went from looking into mine to looking me up and down. I knew he was checking my looks, seeing if I would suffice for him. I wanted to gag, but I knew if I did I would be killed on the spot.

The first thing we are tough here is that we need to respect our masters, because they control us. They make the rules. They get to do what they want to our bodies and all we can do is sit back and take it like the good girls we were told to be. 

I just looked away, I couldn't handle yet ANOTHER man looking at me with lustful eyes. I heard as the deal was made, and for the first time in 3 years, my cell door flung open, and the owner grabbed my arm hard, her hand squeezing tighter as I just sat there. I felt circulation cutting off and decided not to fight it. I got up, and she dragged me to my new owner. I hardly made eye contact with him. "Will she do?" Gothel asked him. He looked me in the eyes, then at my chest, then back to Gothel. "Oh she'll do just fine.". He smirked and I was absolutely terrified. My mind had one thought, I could kiss my virginity goodbye, because this dirty scumbag clearly wanted to destroy me in the most terrifying way possible.  

Jesus! This was one of the longest chapters I have ever written!! I hope you like it! Can you tell who the characters are? I hope so... or I did all that describing for nothing lol. Hope you liked it! Even if you don't, I'll most likely keep writing it just for fun :) Love ya!!!

Also, be sure to follow @XxAfton_famxX because they are new and need some help!!!! FOLLOW RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, NOW bye!!!

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