I Love You

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Elsa's POV

He got closer and closer, and my mind went into a spiraling panic. I had no idea what to do. I hated how helpless I was around him. I felt so weak, like there was nothing I could do. I kept walking until I hit a tree and started freaking out. Hans just kept walking with that stupid smug little smirk on his face. I hated him. Then something completely unexpected happened. There was a quick noise, almost like the wind, and Hans' face went blank. He fell over onto the ground, and in the center of his back I saw an arrow sticking out. My eyes widened and I gasped.

Merida came out of the clearing holding her bow. "That'll teach him to come after any of us again." she smiled and hugged me. I hugged back and sighed. "I-is he...you know?" "I didn't kill him, but it is enough to incapacitate him for the time being. Now if he can't get up because of the pain, then he'll die here in a few days, but hey, not our problem anymore right?" she laughed. I smiled and said, "Thank you. I had no idea what to do." "No problem. You're not alone anymore, none of us are. We have to stay strong together if we want to make it in this crazy world."

We start walking back to the cottage together talking about our pasts and all that fun stuff. Come to think of it I never really did get to talk to Merida a whole lot. We were always so far apart in the building and we never really were aloud to have an actual conversation. We laughed and had awkward moments of silence, and even got to talking about everyone else back home. "So, you and Jack huh?" she smirked and I just blushed. "Yeah, I really like him." "Wow, I never thought you would ever actually accept a man into your life." "I know, a strange feeling isn't it. I guess you would know because of how well things have gone with you and Hiccup." I sneak into the conversation. "Yeah...wait...WHAT? N-n-no I d-don't like him like THAT!" Merida started blushing as red as her hair and I just laugh. "Sure, you look just like me the first time Jack and I kissed." I blurted out without thinking. "Oh, so you two have kissed already? Interesting..." "S-shut up!" I say, but before we could get anymore angry at each other we were already back. 

I saw Anna come outside first and hug me. "Oh my god I thought you were gone forever! WHAT DID THAT SON OF A B*TCH DO TO YOU?! TELL ME AND I'LL KILL HIM SO BADLY THAT-" "Anna, you can calm down, Merida already took care of the whole Hans situation." I smile. Merida proudly said, "Yeah, he won't be bothering us for a LONG long time." And with that we went inside. 

The second we walked in everyone turned to the door, worry was clearly stated in their eyes. "I didn't know I could cause so much trouble, yikes." I said. Jack walked over to me and hugged me so close that I almost couldn't breathe. "Umm, J-jack, I n-need a-a-air." "Sorry, but you are just way to good and scaring me." he loosened his grip on me a little bit but still help me close. I hugged back, cuddling closer to him and smiled. He really does worry about me to much sometimes.


Jack's POV

It was night and Elsa was sleeping next to me. I was still awake stroking her hair. We talked for a little while and then she went to bed. All the sudden Eugene walks into the room and sits on the edge of the bed. 

"Rough day huh?" he asked. "Yeah, you don't know the half of it. I just don't know what to do anymore." I said. "What do you mean?" "Well, this isn't the first time I've almost lost her to someone else from that....place.....and I just feel like I'm failing." I look back down at Elsa sleeping quietly. "She's so important to me, I don't know what I would do if I lost her. I wouldn't be able to live with myself." "I'll never fully understand what you mean, but I do get it to some extent. I don't know what I would do if I lost Punzie to someone else either." Eugene looked to the door and back at me. 

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