Chapter 5

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~Katherine's POV~

When Luke arrived at my locker he looked terrible well that was probably from lunch time "come on let's get this over and done with" I said walking out of the school doors. The walk home was silent which I found quite strange I mean Luke he is not afraid to say what ever he thinks, I find that quite cute, what no i'm not thinking straight. 

When we reached my front door I unlocked the front door and we walked in and sat in the living room "so do you wanna do a big poster" I asked and Luke shrugged and pulled out his phone "ok i'm sorry about Calum today I didn't think he would do that but please say something" "ok I just feel really bad for making you do that to yourself it just makes me feel sick knowing what i've done" Luke said putting his head in his hands "then why do you bully me then?!" I half yelled "because I wanted to cool and my parents left me so I got angry and I needed to take the anger out on someone" "why me though?" I asked sitting back down "I don't know you were the innocent, smart, pretty girl" Luke said as his voice got lower "you think i'm pretty?" I said smiling and he shrugged but then I snapped back to reality "so lets get started on this poster" Luke said and I nodded and grabbed some paper and pens.


 "this poster looks amazing" Luke said "yeah it really does" I said but then my stomach growled "hungry?" asked Luke "nah i'm fine" but I am really hungry I just don't eat because I get called fat at school so I just starve "well i'm ordering pizza" Luke said pulling out his phone and walking into the kitchen so I guess he's staying here for even longer.

When the pizza arrived Luke ran to the front door and payed the man "come on I know your hungry" "fine i'll eat some" then I grabbed a piece of pizza and slowly started to eat it but then I noticed Luke staring at me "what?" " huh oh n-nothing" Luke stuttered "I know i'm fat but that's no reason to stare at me" I said putting my pizza down "your not actually fat I only called you fat because I didn't have anything else to say so i'm sorry" Luke said and that made me feel weird because he is being nice to me "so do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked grabbing the remote "yeah" Luke said so I chucked him the remote letting him pick the movie "I'm gonna get changed so i'll be back in a minute" I said running upstairs.

After I got changed I noticed I had a text from Calum 

(C= Calum & M= Me)


 C: hi lil sis u ok? :)

M: yeah me and luke are eatin pizza but he is being nice to me

C: wow i must of hit him harder than i thought

M: gtg luv u xx

C: kk call me if anything happens xx

M: will do bye xx

C: bye luv u too xx

"you took your time" Luke said "oh sorry didn't think there was a time limit" I said holding my hands up in defence and Luke let out a little laugh which I found quite cute. What no stop Kath. "what movie did you pick?" I asked him sitting down on the sofa next to him "I picked white chicks" Luke said stuffing his face with more pizza. Half way through the movie I felt sleepy so I rested my head on something but I didn't care.

Bullied by Luke Hemmings #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now