Chapter 6

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When I woke up I was still at Katherine's house but when I looked down I was lying with her, her head was buried in my chest and my hands were around her waist and our legs were all tangled I felt really comfortable so I stayed In that position I mean she was lying on my arm but she is tiny so it didn't hurt.

Suddenly I felt Katherine move "morning, what time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes "uh 10:20 but i'm more concerned about why we were lying like that" Katherine said and I looked at her confused "I mean we are hardly friends and yet we were like that, you can't tell anyone" Katherine said getting more worried "don't worry about it I won't tell anyone as long as you don't" I said crossing my arms over my chest "ok fine but we can't go to school because we are still suspended" Katherine said a lot more calm "well I need to go home" I said putting my vans on "ok well bye" Katherine said almost pushing me out the door and then she slammed the door in my face "bye then".

My house isn't that far away from Katherine's so it only took me about ten minutes but when I got home I found my front door wide open so I ran inside and the whole place was trashed the furniture was broken, my tv was gone and my xbox, pictures were smashed it almost didn't seem real "i've been robbed" I whispered so I grabbed all my stuff and left because there was no way i'm staying here when they could come back at anytime.

~Katherine's POV~

When Luke left I went in the shower and put on some black leggings and a white shirt with a penguin on it and I blow dried my hair and left it down after I finished that I put some conselour on my cuts and I put a little mascara on too but when I finished that there was a knock on the door and it sounded urgent "ok ok i'm coming" I said running down the stairs trying not to kill myself but when I opened the door I saw Luke and he had two bags and a guitar case "um you ok there?" I asked him looking very confused "no not really I need somewhere to stay please" Luke said sounding out of breath "why what's wrong with your place?" I said crossing my arms "i've been robbed and i'm to scared to stay there" Luke pronounced "well come in then" I said opening the door wider "thank you I owe you one" Luke said giving me a hug which made me feel a little uncomfortable I mean i'm hugging my bully and i'm also letting him stay here.

"i'll show you where your sleeping" I said walking up the stairs into the guest room "thanks I really appreciate this" Luke said putting his bags down "it's fine I don't mind honestly but can I ask you something?" I said sitting on the bed "yeah sure" "did you ring the police?" I said "uh no was I supposed to?" Luke said, I mean this boy can be so fucking dumb sometimes "uh yeah here ring them" I said passing my phone to him and then he took it and rang the police "uh my house has been robbed but I was at my friends house at the time so I don't know who did it" Luke said and then he told them his address before hanging up "well?" " they are going there now and so are we" Luke said before walking out the room "we?" I said before following Luke.

Bullied by Luke Hemmings #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now