Chapter 10

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When the door swung open four boys appeared it was Luke, Cal, Michael and Ash "LET HER FUCKING GO!" Luke screamed and then my dad grabbed me and held me against him with a gun on my head "it's gonna take a little more than that Hemmings" my dad said gripping me tighter "your gonna pay Howell" Calum spat (Howell is our surname btw) and then my dad started to laugh "d-don't h-hurt them" I stuttered but then Luke pulled out a gun and pointed it to my dad and he dropped me on the floor making me wince in pain and then Cal came over and held me in his arms for about 5 seconds before taking me to the car.

After we got to the car I sat there shivering with fear but then I heard a bang and I saw Luke running towards me "we need to go now" Luke said getting in the drivers seat "i-is he d-dead" I asked but there was a small silence "yeah he is but you can't tell anyone I killed him" Luke answered "mate of course we won't tell anyone" Ash said.

"Yeah I won't either" Cal spoke up "really but you hate me" Luke said "well I did before all of this, now I think your a cool guy I mean I might not forgive you for what you did to Katherine but your cool with me" Cal said patting Luke's shoulder "thanks man and In think you are ok too and I wouldn't blame you for not forgiving me but yeah" Luke said awkwardly "well I know I have forgiven you" I said "really?" Luke questioned "yeah you helped me and it would be stupid not to forgive you" I answered "Katherine are you sure" Calum whispered in my ear and I nodded because I don't like to hold a grudge "thanks Katherine and i'm really sorry" Luke said as we pulled up outside my house and I got out and walked up to my door "will you be ok?" Calum asked and I nodded and walked in closing the door behind me.

Bullied by Luke Hemmings #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now