Explanation and challenge

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Everyone walked into the inner part of the academy and Kassandra began to explain.

"You see skylanders, you both have proven to be some of best we've ever had and I see that combining your teams I would be be greatly beneficial"

"Well I did always wanted some cheerleaders" ignitor said once again taunting the other skylander squad

"Okay that's it!" Stealth elf said

"I just met you and already I'm sick and tired of you! If you are just gonna mock us with every word you speak don't speak at all!"

"No" ignitor said

Kassandra sighed at the unfriendly terms the two squads were already on

"Okay...how about you two just spend some time together and then I'll see if this can work, I know that if you two can work together then you will be unstoppable okay?"

There was a silence and then the two groups glaring at each other before a begrudging sigh

"Fine" they said


"Alright so...what do guys do for fun" eruptor asked trying to make a conversation with the other skylanders

"Well..." prism break said thinking

"I collect rocks."

"Oh well that's som-" eruptors sentence was cut off by prism break vomiting out his collection of rocks in the floor

"That disgusting"

"What? It's not there's any saliva"

"Anything else you guys do?"

"We train a lot" ignitor added

"Well that's not so bad if you ask me" stealth elf said appreciating The other skylanders dedication to being better

"Well do you guys play video games?" Spyro asked


"Watch movies?"


"Do anything fun?!"


"That doesn't count"

"Yes it does!"

"Hey let's all calm down" Jet-Vac said

"How about we all just find something everyone can do? As a...bonding exercise"

"We could fight each other" ignitor suggested

"Yeah that could work" stealth elf added with everyone else nodding or shrugging

"Alright then it's settled" Drobot said

"Let's fight"

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