To the tunnels.

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The two giants hiked through the rocky and boulder filled landscape searching for a way to sneak into the base. Crusher shifting along the ground as Ninjni kept looking around for any signs of the enemy.

Feeling the course dirt crusher showed great focus and sat still for a moment before looking to their left.

"Over there." He said moving to the point. "There's a tunnel."

Following the golem Ninjini frowned as she saw their entrance, griming at the continuation of the mission.

Taking a deep breath she followed Crusher inside as he lead the way.

"These tunnels are pretty ancient if the maintenance is anything to go by, keep an eye out though."

"I know what I'm doing crusher, regrettably enough this isn't my first time sneaking through some old and dank tunnels for the service of skylands."

"Alright, alright."

As she followed her comrade Ninjini could only feel a sense of dread. Dread at the tunnels cramp surroundings and ever increasing darkness and how every second is die she felt doubt in herself, doubt she could only keep at bay with affirmations within her mind.

'I can do it' she repeated. 'I can do it'

Finally reaching a end of the path Crusher felt the wall of stone where he found a deep and long scratch mark.

Feeling it Crusher focused in and felt the story the scratch told on the stone.

It was less than a week old.

With astonishment he widened his eyes and looked to Ninjini.

"We're not alone, stay alert."

"What is it? A Cyclops?"

"I don't know. It felt partially like one but wasn't."

"Alright well I'll keep an eye out."

Finding a path and continuing the two traveled for a couple minutes as the tunnels enveloped them as they slowly made their way to the exit.

It was a hallow well with light reflected on a crystal beaming down, sending a green and yellow like glow through the catacombs.

Just then a thump was heard, and then another and another each one being like a small earth quake.

Looking to where the vibrations came from the two giants met the one causing it.

A large, one eyed beast with razor sharp claws made of glowing green emeralds that were half a meter long and in his one eye a radiant glow emerged with rocks protruding from various parts of his body.

"This got a lot harder."

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