They aren't dead

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After the missile hit and smoke settled the skylanders looked into the direction of its origin with stealth elf carefully putting down the snow globe

There were five figures all of which were generally one color with different shades

Initially it was thought they were simply trolls or other common enemy's of the skylanders until something else was noticed

"It's them"prism break said firmly and ready to battle

Walking closer towards them slam bam, zap, Dino-rang, zook and finally boomer themselves prepared to fight

"Okay why is this happening?"spyro said confused by the situation which he wasn't alone in

"They are probably just jealous of us being so much better than them!" Ignitor said his blade ready

"That would be incorrect ignitor"drill sergeant said treading forward a little

"While they have perfectly identical forms of the skylander team the colors are off Dino-rang is not brown and boomer is not yellow"

"So they aren't them?" Eruptor said just to make sure


"Good...don't have to hold back" ignitor said ready

"What's the plan chop?"drobot said unfolding his wings

"There are five of them so everyone pick a partner"

"Easy enough...prism?" Ignitor said

"As always flamy" prism break said aiming his arms however stopped something in his rocky gut told him something was off

Trusting his instinct prism break got a wall of crystals two meters thick behind ignitor saving him from a star fish hitting him which would not seem to be a threat if it were not for the fact that the starfish penetrated one meter into the crystal wall.

"What?!" Ignitor said caught off guard by the attack

Looking into the white and blue direction of the mountain side ignitor and the others were met with the sight of voodoo, wham shell, wrecking ball, warnado and stump smash all with the color of their element on them

" partners just pick someone and take them out"

"I'm on craby.." ignitor said

"Ehh...voodoo"prism break said

"I'm on zap!" Spyro said flying in the air a little

"Dino-rang" stealth elf said putting on her mask

"Warnado" drobot said

"Stump smash" eruptor said knocking his hands together

"I will engage zook" drill sergeant said reading his drills

"Slam bam" chop chop said

"Wrecking ball" jet-vac said

"Uhhh...who else...oh yeah! Boomer!" Pop fizz said

The enemy closed in ready but so were the skylanders

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