The battle of the sky

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Stealth elf stretched as she and others waited for the coming fight with sprocket and ignitor preparing the guns before she looked over the horizon and saw the others return

"They're back!" She said pointing to them

The skylanders gathered as the four landed with jetvac at the head

"We took five of their ships down before we had to fall back they'll be here soon though" jetvac said

"Alright well it made our job that much easier good job" prism break said congratulating the four

"INCOMING!" Ignitor shouted loud enough for even sprocket and drill to hear

Looking towards the same direction the skylanders saw the massive fleet of warships all having their weapons aimed at the Arkus's bane

"Get down!" Prism break yelled as the skylanders moved to cover the could find as bolts were shot on them on mass

Seeing this drill repositioned the ship with its front facing to the enemy to cover the skylanders as ignitor lines up the front gun

"Bye bye bastards!" Ignitor said as he began to fire each shot providing a satisfying chug and recoil as fire balls were sent against the fleet destroying several ships

However drill saw something ignitor or the small elf to his side did not

There were only 22 ships

As if on queue the remaining ships came from below flying up past the Arkuses bane firing bolts at the ship

Immediately drill took action sending the ship in full speed to the left in order to get breathing room for them to counterattack

However the drow warships simply sped up getting closer and closer to the skylanders even while sprocket was firing from behind destroying a couple ships as gears smashed through wood

Seeing no other option drill spoke on the loudspeaker

"Attention I am moving the ship to broadside position, ready yourselves"

The skylanders braced as the ship made a sharp turn and the two guns faced to the fleet rushing to them and began firing gears and flame moving through their line of ships causing havoc but still the fleet advanced past and began to circle the skylanders while closing in

Once in range, dozens of drow began jumping down to the vessel ready to overwhelm their enemies.

Seeing this prism break, eruptor, drobot and jetvac fired into the hoard with hex watching for second before snapping back to reality and began firing herself

Yet still massive amounts of drow swarmed the ship to which the skylanders began to brawl

Ignitor grunted as he fired another shot at a incoming ship the fire ball destroying it before he stopped and listened in and heard the noise of fighting behind him.

Getting on the ships com he spoke

"Drill I'm moving to join the fight on deck, put the gun on auto"

"Affirmative" the arkeyan replied

Leaving the front gun position, ignitor races tot he deck his armor clanging against the metal floor as he finally reached his destination and saw the carnage, each skylander taking on a couple drow although all had ease

Seeing another wave of enemy's drop down Ignitor launched out of his armor, his flame form sweeping across the fires feet sending the group of tow dozen down in a single attack.

Returning to his armor ignitor laughed a little seeing the drows incompetence before he moved to join the rest

Prism break grunted as he ducked under a drows attempt to stab him with his spear and was about to fire a blast of light at him but was stopped as Ignitor hit him with is sword sending him to the ships wall and knocking him out

"Was wondering where you were" prism break said while turning around to shoot at more drow

"I always make it to a fight you know that!" Ignitor said putting his back to prism breaks

"Doesn't mean you're on time!" Prism break said to which he and ignitor laughed while fighting

"So what do you think of hex now?" Prism break said hoping a more positive opinion was formed

After a moment of silent and fighting a enemy ignitor spoke

"I want her to leave"

"Yeah...figured you'd say that" prism break said disappointed but understanding

While this was happening, to no ones knowledge two spearmen snuck past and went into the ship, planning on taking controls and crashing it into a island

Once on the bridgeq, the two drow readied to attack yet drill was ready and was about to fire dud missiles

Yet just a millisecond before he was about to fire whisper elf appeared out of nowhere and hit the drow in the back of the knee and when the other one attempted to strike down at her with his spear she used it to run up to his head and bounce on it and then on the other drows head and then on the other ones head and did it again and again before hoping to the ground and punched one in the stomach and the other in the lover putting both of them on their knees before she hit them both with a roundhouse kick

"Woah! Yeah I won!" She said jumping up and down excited

Drill sergeant put the ship on auto before turning to the child


Back in the deck the battle was coming to a close with the drow retreating back to what was left of their fleet and hex, seeing this got excited.

"Yes! We did it!" Hex cheered

Yet not to her knowledge a drow who regained consciousness was about to stab hex in the back and before she even noticed ignitor jumped to the drow and slashed at him with his blade.

Turing around and embarrassed by her blunder hex was about to speak but ignitor spoke first

"If you're going to be incompetent then you could at least not be on our team!"he yelled at her in a furious tone

Without another word being said ignitor walked back into the hull of the ship leaving a shocked crowd behind except for Chop chop, Drobot and Prism Break.

Hex looked to the ground disappointed in herself before prism break walked over

"Hey don't feel bad...look you did fine he's just trying to find a excuse to be mad at you, he saved me once during the fight and didn't start yelling at me"

"Well then why is he so mad at me being here? What did I even do?"

Chop chop, prism break and drobot looked at each other before coming to a silent agreement.

"They are part of our team" drobot said, supporting the argument already agreed to

Chop chop took a couple steps forward and began to speak.

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