What character is jealous of your relationship

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Damon- Elena. She thought that she had Damon wrapped around her finger but when the two of you started dating she realized she was losing him. She tried to get him back by kissing him and "confessing her feelings" but when he turned her down saying that he loved you, she made it her mission to ruin your relationship.

Stefan- Valerie. She had been jealous of you since the moment she came back to Mystic Falls. She thought that Stefan would come back to her but when he told her that the feelings he felt for her were nothing in comparison to his feelings for you, her heart broke. She watched the two of you from a distance, seeing how happy you made him and she left the two of you alone.

Klaus- Caroline. She constantly turned him down but when he stopped flirting with her she realized that she missed the attention he gave her. At first she wanted to get with him but when he saw how he was with you, gentle, sweet, and caring she changed her mind. Klaus had changed with your presence and come to think of it he hadn't tried to kill any of her friends in a couple weeks.

Elijah- Hayley. You and Elijah got together after Hayley married Jackson. You two had grown close after his heartbreak and your break up. You were friends with benefits but after he confessed his feeling for you after a near death experience you two got together. Hayley constantly sent you death glares and made snarky remarks toward you even if she was the one to walk away from Elijah. She hated you just because you helped fix the man she broke.

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