You get into a fight

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"I love you."

You turned around from the balcony to look at the doorway, where you hear Damon come in.

"I don't think thats enough anymore."


"I can't keep doing the same old stuff Damon."

His eyes widen after hearing his actual name come out of your mouth. He starts to walk towards you, grabbing your hands in his.

"I'll be better. I'll do better. I promise."

You pull away from him, taking a few steps back.

"That's the exact same promise you made last time. I'm tired of going in cycles. You screw up and then I have to go around defending you to all my friends."

"Give me one more shot."

"I don't think I can. Every time you do something like this it hurts me and I can't keep doing that to myself. You should be the one person in the world that never hurts me and yet, your the one person that does it the most."

You see his face drop snd you know that he's finally understanding where your coming from.

"Your right. You deserve better and I'm not the one that can give that to you."

You furrow your eyebrows, this time taking the steps to be closer to him.

"That's not what I'm saying. I think we need a break where you can grow. I know you think that you've done all of that in the 150 years that you have lived but you need to start taking responsibility for your actions."

You take the final step towards him and grab his face in your hands. You smile slightly as you start to rub your thumbs on his cheeks.

"I am not giving up on you. I will still be here for you and I'll be waiting for you to make the improvements that you've promised."

"Then I've got a lot of work to do."

You both laugh slightly before you pull him in for a hug.

"I'll be waiting."

Stefan walks into the main room, pouring himself a drink.

"Hey babe."




"Ok, if your mad about-"

You shot up off the couch, whipping around to face him.

"Of course I'm mad."

"Thats not fair."

"After everything thats happened, everything that you've been through, all the pain that shes caused you, your still willing to give it all up for her!"

"I'd give up anything for her!"

You laugh dryly, trying your best to not tear up.

"And you don't have feelings for her, right? Everything that happened is in the past? That's what you said."

"It is all in the past. Anything between me and Elena is over."

"And somehow your still willing to give up everything for her!"

"My life isn't everything to me! You are everything to me!"

"Then how is the decision to leave me so easy for you! You put your life on the line for her every day and make the opportunity to leave me by myself."

Stefan sighed and started to walk over towards you.

"I won't let anything hurt you, I promise."

"But you dying would hurt me. Every time that your life is on the line, I feel my throat close in and my heart drops."

He grabbed you by the hips, pulling you flush to him. He started to swipe his thumb back and forth, absentmindedly.

"I'll be safer, I promise. But if it comes down to me or you, I will save you every single time without hesitation."

"Listen Y/N, I think I'm gonna stay here with Camille and Hope to keep them safe."

"How long do you think you'll be there for?"

"I'm not sure. Whenever the threat of Finn goes away or better yet dies."


You started to kick the gravel at your feet when the line was completely silent.

"I have to ask 'lijah, none of this is because of our fight before right? Your not avoiding me?"

"Of course not my love. I'm only here to protect my niece. Why would you even think that?"

"I don't know, we got into a fight and then not even an hour later your brother tells me you left. You didn't even say goodbye."

"I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye. I should have and thats my fault."

"Do you know when you'll come home."

"Hopefully sometime soon."

"Good cause the best part of an argument is the makeup sex."

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