You overhear him talking about you

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You walked in through the door to the Salvatore Boarding House. You started listening for your boyfriend so you could greet him before he got mad. You heard him and Stefan in the library and made your way over there.

"She's too good for you, you know?"

Once you hear Stefan, you decide to stay in the hallway and see what Damon says.

"Oh trust me little brother, I know."

"You're the happiest I have ever seen you too. Even when we were human."

"It's her Stef. Seeing her happy makes me happy. Hearing her laugh and seeing her smile makes happy. I don't know why she loves me but i'm gonna hold on to her and not let her go."

You smile from just hearing the sincerity in his voice.

"Hey, Y/N want to join us?"

You laugh as you enter the room, holding your hands up in surrender.

"Thought I had a good hiding spot."

You walked over to Damon and grabbed both sides of his face, pulling him in for a kiss. His hands fall on your waist and he kisses you back instantly. You pull away and lock your eyes with his.

"I love you."

Instead of replying, he leans down and kisses you hard and passionately. You keep kissing until you hear Stefan clear his throat, reminding you that he was still there.

"I am still here you know. Not for long though."

"I met your girlfriend this morning."


"Shhh Y/N, Stefan and Lexi are here."

"Care, I'm not eavesdropping on their conversation."

"But they are talking about you!"

"What are they saying?"

"I don't know, listen!"

"And what did you think of her?"

"She seems great, good for you. I only met her for 5 minutes this morning when she was leaving your house, Stef."

"Leaving his house? Why were you- ohhh,"

"She is great, god she's amazing. She's funny and compassionate and beautiful."

"That I can agree on. She is definitely your type."

You hear Stefan's laugh through the phone and you couldn't help but smile yourself. He had this control on you even if you just heard his voice.

"I want the details of last night by the way."

"Goodbye Caroline."

You were sat on the floor, playing with Hope. Klaus and Rebekah stood at the doorway, what Klaus thought was far enough that you wouldn't hear him.

"I love her, you know?"

"I know. I can see it, all of us can. I don't think any of us have ever seen you this happy."

"Before I met her, I thought love was dead. I thought that there was no way, in the world we live in, that I could ever have the love I have with her."

"Your whipped."

Rebekah started laughing at her own statement, as Klaus tried his best to stop is own laugh. He failed however and his smile only grew wider when Hope laughed at something you did.

"I love you too Nik."

He instantly stood up straighter and his eyes widened as soon as you spoke.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"Just because I'm a human doesn't mean I'm deaf Nik."


You woke up, in your bed alone, to hear a familiar brunette downstairs talking to Elijah. You didn't think anything of it at first, you knew Elijah and Hayley had something going on before she got married to Jackson but you thought that was done with. Until you heard the conversation downstairs.

"She's not good enough for you Elijah."

"And you believe that because?"

"Because I'm what's best for you Elijah. Not Y/N."

"That's not true at all." You let out a sigh of relief after hear those 5 little words coming out of your boyfriends mouth.

"Y/N is too good for me. Her smile lights up the room, her laugh makes me laugh, she makes me feel loved. Whatever we had Hayley, is in the past and is nothing compared to what I have with Y/N."

"How can you say that? We were never fully together."

"I don't need to know what being with you is like because she is my future. When I look years into the future, I see myself with her. And that's all I need to know."

You couldn't stop the smile that crept onto your face while Elijah was taking. He made you blush so deeply and he wasn't even in the room. You heard Hayley mumble something on her out and then the door slammed, signaling that she had truly left.

Elijah came into your room, a smile permanently plastered on his face as well.

"How much of that did you hear, my love?"

"Enough. Now come over here and give me a kiss."

And he did, many times that morning.

AN- I've lowkey done a Klaus one VERY similar to this but I couldn't think of another prompt so. Honestly doing these is so hard because you have to be along the same basis but with different people and storylines.

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