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"I'm in luck, I'm in deep, yeah. Hypnotized, I'm shakin' to my knees."


"June, we should really get going" I said as I was seated on the couch of our apartment, buckling the straps on my black heels so they were secure.

June and I have plans to head out to the bars in downtown Nashville to listen to some live music, it's a rarity that I'm not working on a weekend, so we're taking advantage of it.

June and I met at a party during our freshman year of college and we instantly had a connection. We partied hard together that night and ended up exchanging numbers and planned to get brunch the next day. Our drunk asses clearly weren't thinking about the fact that we were going to be hungover in the morning.

We didn't make it to brunch, but I went over to her apartment in my sweats and we binge watched romantic comedies and drank pedialyte all day. I was able to get to know her better and found that we were similar in many ways, but she was definitely more outgoing than me. She's literally the life of the party, whereas I'm more of an observer.

We hung out almost every day after that, and eventually signed a lease for an apartment together for our sophomore year. We lived in those apartments until our senior year, and then decided to move out of the college scene. We are now both 23, fresh out of college, and I swear she probably knows more about me than I do myself.

When we graduated, we took a girls trip to Florida and drank fruity cocktails at our resort pool almost every day. We found ourselves at random beaches each night to watch the sunsets and when the crowds died down one night she made the bold decision that we should go skinny dipping.

I was wasted, so of course I agreed. We stumbled into the ocean and swam for a while before I got anxious that someone would see us, so we grabbed our clothes and went back to the hotel. It wasn't anything abnormal for us, we were living together for three years at that point, we'd seen each other naked countless times. Hell, we even walked in on each other hooking up multiple times. She was easily my closest friend, and I was so thankful to have someone like her that I trusted, and could turn to when I needed it.

June huffed at me in response from where she was in the kitchen, "Fuck! Sorry! I can't find my lipstick!"

"It's out here!" I respond from the couch, grabbing it from the side table and tossing it at her when she runs out here.

"Careful! I can't risk my favorite shade breaking." She half laughs, catching the tube and immediately opening it to smear it on her lips. "Liam is going tonight, right?"

Liam became a close friend of ours not long after June and I met. He was easily the most laid back person I've ever met. During our first year, June and I were out at a bar, shocker, and he actually stopped a random guy from roofying our drinks. He walked up to us and immediately apologized for interrupting, but told us that someone just spiked our drinks. We looked away for one second. It's crazy what can happen in such a short amount of time. Obviously thankful for Liam's gesture, we got to talking and hit it off really well. The three of us have been inseparable ever since.

Liam is at our apartment often, whether it's for a quick visit or for a movie night. With all of the drama that comes up in my hectic life, he is the therapist that is on the other end listening and giving me advice. He was the first person I opened up to about my mother's death and the trauma that accompanied it. He helped me realize that it's okay to open up and talk about touchy subjects, it's not always good to keep it all in. Right after my deep talk with Liam, I opened up to June about it too, and she was more than supportive of me. Liam treats us like angels, he truly was sent straight from heaven.

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