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*TW: sexual assault*
let me know if you need a chapter summary, I'd be happy to give it to you!



"You want me to leave, you want me to stay... I'm losing my patience, you're nearing the end."


I told Louis I wasn't feeling well and was going to get an Uber home. I sure as hell wasn't going to tell him about Dean. It wasn't any of his business and I can take care of myself.

"Hey Louis, I think I'm going to head out. I've had a lot to drink and should probably get some sleep."

"Everything alright, A?" He asks, almost as if he could see right through me. He glanced over at the couch behind me where Harry and Jade were devouring each other, and I think he was able to figure out from that why I was suddenly ready to leave. I just wanted to be out of this situation, this night went to shit and I wanted it to be over.

"I'm fine, just ready to go home." I tell him as he walks me to the elevator door. "Tell June I'll talk to her in the morning, and not to worry." I say while giving a soft smile, looking over in June's direction where her and Niall were clearly enjoying each other's company. I could say the same about Harry and Jade.

I'm sure it was just the alcohol making me feel sick, but something about Harry just wasn't sitting right with me. I don't know what he's trying to accomplish, does he want me to feel jealous and beg him to fuck me? That's not going to happen.

Louis gives me a small hug goodbye as I press the elevator button that will bring me to the lobby. Dean texts me back and tells me to meet him at his apartment, which is a short Uber ride away.

While I wait, I try not to overthink this decision, I'm only trying to distract myself tonight. Which I've unfortunately done before since we've split.

About 15 minutes later I arrive at his place and welcome myself into the all too familiar building. I knock on the door and he opens it seconds later, standing only in his underwear, but his dick clearly hard.

I was not expecting that. I mean I guess that's what I came here for, I just wasn't used to him being so bold.

Actually, I take that back. Ever since he came up to me in the bar and kissed me out of nowhere, he's been unusually bold which is very unlike him. Almost as if he was trying to prove something.

"I knew you'd come crawling back to me. Just can't get enough can you?" He says while slurring his words and grabbing my arm.

I step into the apartment and instead of responding, I just press my lips against his in hopes of ridding everything from my mind that happened this weekend. I look for distractions where I can get them, which is why I'm standing in front of Dean stripping myself of my clothes.

Dean didn't hesitate to touch me, and he began massaging my boobs and brought his mouth to my nipples. His touch feels so foreign, which is unusual considering the fact that we were together for well over a year. I brush past my thoughts and direct us closer to the bed before asking him to do something I know I'll regret.

But in this moment, I do it anyway.

"Fuck me, Dean." I manage to speak out before he slams me against the bed.


Well fuck. That distraction didn't last long, if it could even count. Dean came within the first few minutes leaving me hanging and on edge. I was used to it with him, but it's hard ignoring it especially when I'm this drunk and need some sort of relief. I should've known this was how it was going to go. I shouldn't have expected him to care about my needs, he's just a drunk ass that needed to get his dick wet.

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